February is coming to an end, but for someDoesn't mean peace and relaxation in love. At the end of the month, the stars still have some surprises ready that make the heart beat faster - in a positive and negative sense. What characters onEmotional roller coaster tripsshould be adjusted here.
A stormy love final: These zodiac signs experience a turbulent end of February
From theFebruary 4 Turn VenusIn her sign and brings a breath of fresh air to her love life. This energy can cause you to question your partnership more and more and strive for changes. Be open to new impulses, but be careful not to act prematurely.
2nd zodiac sign Aquarius
In the second half of February you have the chance to get out of theto break out everyday trottAnd to bring more shine into your emotional world. However, their seductive charisma can also lead to unexpected encounters that mix up their love life. Stay careful and communicate clearly with your partner to avoid misunderstandings.
3. Soda sign Sagittarius
The February final promises for youLove, pleasure and passion.Especially around February 21, an encounter could provide soft knees and make your heart beat faster. However, these intensive feelings can also put existing relationships to the test. Carefully change with your emotions and reflect on your wishes and needs.