Pull the Tarot Day card: This is how it works

The tarot is a set of 78 cards. Each card contains different symbols and motifs that can be interpreted and interpreted differently.So if you pull your Tarot Day card, it contains a symbolic or spiritual message for your day.The daily starot serves as an orientation aid and can give you insights into different areas of life, depending on the question of what you align your daily star.

Good to know:The importance of the Tarot Day card is primarily subjective.Although you can orientate yourself on the associated meanings of the cards in reference works or online, you always depend on your personal interpretation. Pulling a daily ticket does not necessarily have to be understood as a future oracle, but can also serve as an impulse and suggestion for the day.

Questions that can only be answered with yes or no, or request a specific location / date / time, do not work in the daily starot. If you do not want to ask a specific question, you can also draw your Tarot Day card by simply concentrating on the upcoming day.