Foto: bruce7, GETTY IMAGES
At first glance chaos, a chance for second: that means the tarot card "The Tower"
"The Tower" is one of the most famous tarot cards and depicts the TRUMPF XVI of the so -called "big arcana". What the card means in the laying and how it can be interpreted for different areas of life is explained here.
Good to know: Tarot cards should be with their attributed interpretationsSuggestions for self -reflectiondelivery. Tarot cards such as "The Tower" can initially be intimidating or even scary, since their meaning is not consistently positively interpreted. But that doesn't mean something bad happens to them. The card should only provide you with the food for thought that you need in your current situation.
What does the Tarot card "the tower" look like?
Usually you can see one on the mapHigh tower that is hit by lightning and catches fire. The flames have already brought the upper part of the tower to collapse, often the roof fallsIn the form of a crowndown to symbolize the transience of superficialities.Two people fall down on the side of the tower, their fate is unclear. It may come from cruel, but the possibility of their rescue by an unforeseen cushion or the like is not excluded. Alsothe tower is still on its foundationsAnd it doesn't look like it is completely destroyed. In other representations is a fire -spreadingresponsible for the scenario. Both the flash and the snake stand for fate, whereasIn symbolismOn the one hand, destructive forces, on the other hand a cleaning effectbe attributed.
At a glance:
What does the Tarot card "the tower" mean? Interpretation in the event of upright laying
If the tarot card is uncovered, it stands for oneShaking your world view. Just as the tower collapses, part of your life is irretrievably changes. Fear and nervousness with regard to the upcoming upheaval are absolutely normal and understandable, but it is important to also focus on theresulting opportunitiesto concentrate.
The shock does not necessarily have to stand for a disaster, it can also be a change that turns out to be a gift afterwards. After all, not only an external factor changes, but also your own view of the status quo. So you areno longer caught in the symbolic tower of her personal world view, but can break out of old habits and thinking patterns that may not have good. Every shock takes us at first and is a trigger for a turbulent time, but it is not for nothing that one speaks of "healing" shocks.
Foto: Aki Horiuchi, GETTY IMAGES
Often a falling crown adorns the tarot card "The Tower": This stands for transient superficialities
Variant: Tarot card of the tower as a day ticket / interpretation for your own life
If you pull the Tarot card "The Tower" as a day ticket or in a different laying system that should tell you more about your own life, it is always connected with a surprise. Usually this closesTurbulent changes and the loss of well -knowna. It can be an unexpected termination, but the collapse of a planned project is also possible. Instead of professional turbulence, it may be about the end of a friendship or the spontaneous move to another city. In any case, the chaos of the symbolic collapse ariseNew paths that have not previously been seen due to the existing structures. It is best to assess how exactly the transformation is reflected in your life.
Variant: Tarot card of the tower in the love star / interpretation for the partnership
Pull the Tarot card "The Tower" inOr in connection with a question about its existing partnership, it is quite alarming for many. A possibility of interpretation is thatCollection of the relationship and the impetus to the "flight" in the form of separation, in the spirit of the two people in the illustration that try to save themselves from the tower. The end of the partnership for you and perhaps also your partner would mean rescue from the prison of an unhappy connection and would give you both the chance of a fresh start.
Another variant of interpretation for those who want to stick to the current relationship: aTogether demolition of fixed habitsstands. This means that fundamental conflicts may have to be tackled in order to go as a couple in the reconstruction of the loving partnership. This can go hand in hand with an emotional effort and a emotional chaos, but isThe foundation of the relationshipStrong enough - like the steadfast foot of the tower - it is worth it.
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What does the Tarot card "the tower" mean? Interpretation in the case of reverse laying
If the tarot card "The Tower" is pulled on the head, it is slightly modified to interpret. Here the tower stands forexternal influences that you constrict. Whether printing through work or family or through individual perfectionism, you can make too many expectations unable to act. The tower symbolizes the escape from all of this to themMore space for your own wishes, thoughts and needsto be provided. In addition, the tarot card shows that the change is often difficult to accept (visually represented by the dramatic jump or falling from a tower), a resistance in the end only restricts and holds back (namely locked up in the tower).