Under 6 euros: This Tchibo trend solves the eternal kitchen problem

    Thedetailed kitchen cleaningis probably neglected for most people, so we are only too happy to avoid the tasks that arise every few monthsrefrigerator orclean from inside. There is one place in particular that is often ignored, after all, this is where it takes placeCleaningThere is rarely a sense of achievement and frustration grows with increasing effort without any visible differences. We're talking about...

    ...baking trays.Over time, people tend to gather heredirt, grease and contamination,which at some point can hardly be eliminated. Because we all know the situation when you turn to it againrusty metal sheets and grillesdare, but quickly put it aside after the first attempts at cleaning - it doesn't help anyway. ATchibo productcan be the savior in an emergency and promises to solve this most annoying of all kitchen problems now!

    Small brush with a big (cleaning) effect

    This 6 euro Tchibo product now solves a particularly annoying problem in the kitchen

    If you come back beforeBach sheetswhere the burnt-on food remains are hard to miss, rescue is now in sight. Because the normal kitchen sponge usually doesn't get very far here, it has to be a little more aggressive. For example with theOven brush with scraper from Tchibo,which promises easy cleaning of rust and sheet metal. The curved bristle shape offers optimal handling, so you can easily devote yourself to the cleaning task without having to squeeze the bulky metal sheets into the sink.

    Especially that onePreisenthusiastic at first glance, because anyone who has ever dealt with the topic knows how expensive it can be to keep buying new sheets in the long run. It is therefore better to remove the layer of rust and dirt from the old, still well-preserved baking trays and grids by once6 euro brush from Tchibois purchased.

    Photo: Tchibo.de

    Removes even stubborn dirt from every grating

    Photo: Tchibo.de

    The back is perfect for baked-on dirt

    Both works: Two sides for grids and sheets

    The practical thing aboutTchibo productis the use for both the oven rack and the large trays:

    • Wide brush head:The generously sized brush head is ideal for thoroughly cleaning large surfaces such as the oven rack. With its robust bristles, it can tackle even caked-on food residue and burnt-on dirt without much effort.
    • Scraper for particularly stubborn dirt:The integrated scraper on the back is ideal for heavily adhered dirt, which often occurs on baking trays. It enables the targeted loosening of stuck-on dirt while protecting the surface of the sheet metal.
    • Application in dry and wet condition:The oven brush is suitable for dry cleaning as well as for use with water or detergents. This makes it a flexible helper that can be adapted to different levels of contamination.