Awesome: This happens when you eat macadamia nuts every day

NutsHave long since had the attention they deserve. They are full of valuable nutrients, healthy fatty acids and vegetable protein and should therefore be on the menu daily. Almondmus in the muesli, peanut sauce to the curry or fried cashew nuts as saladoping - the common nuts are indispensable from our kitchen. But you have on it beforeMacadamiathought? The variety from Australia is consideredQueen of the NutsAnd accordingly has a lot to offer. What - we'll tell you here.

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1. They prevent the age process

Macadamia are rich in antioxidants. 100 grams contain a good twelve percent of the daily need for vitamin E. Vitamin E is considered "anti-aging vitamin". It prevents wrinkles and can neutralize free radicals who are responsible for the damage to the body cells.

2. They promote digestion

100 grams of macadamia nuts contain proud 16 grams of fiber, which means that they cover more than 50 percent of our daily requirement. Features are important for good digestion. They ensure a quick excretion of poison and pollutants and also support the healthy intestinal bacteria.

3. They strengthen nerves, bones and muscles

Macadamia contain three important nutrients for healthy bones with calcium, magnesium and potassium. The particularly high proportion of magnesium also ensures a stable nervous system and a smooth function of the muscles.

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4. They protect the cardiovascular system

Like all nuts, Macadamia are rich in unsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids. They lower cholesterol, keep the blood vessels elastic and thus protect the heart and circulation.