It is difficult enough, an affordableTo find, but bad roommates can make everything much worse. Constant argument about the cleaning plan, post -ate on the yogurt in the fridge or the typical bankruptcy at the end of the month-the list of offenses seems endless. But don't worry! All of this is still harmless compared to psychos,And worse contemporary. Exactly from such terrible roommates.
Wohm communities from hell: These 9 films are about the worst roommates
After these films with terrible and sometimes deadly roommates, you estimate your own living situation all the more. No matter who you live with. Promised.
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New York apartments seem almost too beautiful in this film to be true - extensive, light -flooded, as if from one. Exactly the right location for a story that slowly becomes a nightmare. Allie, a self -confident career woman, is looking for a roommate for a separation and opts for Hedy, who at first glance looks charming and uncomplicated. But soon the borders blur. Hedy not only takes over Allie's style, but also urges himself into her life until there seems to be no difference between the two. What begins as a harmless shared apartment becomes a dark psychodrama. While Allie tries to get her life under control, her ex-boyfriend is fighting for a second chance. But Hedy wants Allie to herself and leaves no doubt that she is willing to go to the utmost.
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Sure, this crime written by Tarantino-Highlight is remembered for other reasons: Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, this subliminally arrogant joke that briefly beforePulp Fictionstill looked fresh and unused. But the secret star? An emerging Brad Pitt, who tears the whole film on the couch from his permanent stoner position on the couch. Floyd's life revolves around his bong - and his big flap, which he is doomed when gangsters suddenly stand outside the door. Went stupid, floyd.
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Sometimes it only takes a few words to get to the point - even if they come from the most unreliable person in the room. Spike, a walking chaos in flip-flops, is rarely helped. But when he wants to hurry up a rugged "du Vollidiot", he is absolutely right. Will made the wrong decision, let the wrong woman go. Ironically, it is exactly this type that cannot even pass on a simple message that gives him the decisive food for thought. And as if that weren't enough, he will be a family later. In the charming streets of Notting Hill, bookseller William Thacker tries to leave his failed marriage behind. But then suddenly Hollywood star Anna Scott is in his shop-and nothing is more as it was. While wants to fight with the chaos of feelings, paparazzi and uncertainties, he remains a constant: his completely crazy, but somehow cool roommate spike. Terribly beautiful.
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Shaun has enough problems. His job is boring, his girlfriend has his nose full of him and then there are his two roommates - the over -corrupt Pete, who is measuring everything and everyone, and Ed, his best friend who only all dayJams and stupid sayings pounds. While Shaun somehow tries to grow up, Ed keeps pulling him back to old habits. Pete? He doesn't think anything of both and lets them feel them every day. But then comes the zombie apocalypse-and suddenly dirty coffee cups and late rent have no more meaning. While Pete does not survive the chaos for long, Ed is surprisingly good. Sure, he is still lazy, haphazard and hangs too much on his favorite pub, but that is exactly what turns out to be a survival. Between pub barricades and flying vinyl sound plates, it becomes clear that sometimes the worst influence is also the best friend you can have.
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InThe RoommatePulls the young Sara into college and has to share the room with the strikingly similar Rebecca. At first they look like a perfect flat share, but behind Rebecca's friendly being there is a dark past. They drew the loss of their sister and an ex-friend. When Sara finds more and more connection, Rebecca is increasingly owned and. The conflict between the two escalates quickly when Rebecca's obsession becomes increasingly uncontrollable. The film is not the masterpiece that you would expect, but in its bizarre, over -the -top species, this is a good film for a rainy day.
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BarbarianStarts with a simple, almost banal scenario: Tess, a young woman, arrives in Detroit on a rainy night and finds the sameLike a stranger, Keith booked. At first everything looks like a misunderstanding, but the strange atmosphere of the house quickly makes Tess doubt. She hesitantly decides to stay - but soon it becomes clear that nothing is as it seems. What begins as a harmless meeting between two unexpected roommates quickly develops into an eerie and dangerous situation. The film plays masterfully with the feeling of distrust and uncertainty that prevails between the two characters. While Tess and Keith begin to find out the secrets of the house, turnsBarbarianFrom a nerve -wracking thriller in a bizarre mixture of horror and black humor.BarbarianKeeps the viewers busy with his unpredictable action and constantly changing moods.
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InSmall murders among friendsIn the beginning everything runs surprisingly harmoniously between the three roommates. They share an apartment and life seems to be in an orderly way - until the moment one suddenly dies. With his lifeless body you will find a considerable amount. What begins as a tragic accident quickly develops into a morally questionable decision: the three decide to keep the money and make the body disappear. What follows is a dark, black -humorous thriller. Ultimately isSmall murders among friendsLess a film about living together, but more about the destructive influence of money and power, which itself is the bestcan falter.
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5 room kitchen coffinis one of the funniestof the 2010s. The story revolves around several vampires that share a home - all from a different era. Despite their different age groups, living together usually works well, but there are always small conflicts that arise from their different worldviews and life experiences. Compared to other films in which roommates are properly clashed, the tensions here are rather harmless. But if you consider that these roommates are immortal and can handle brutal violence, the term "more rooted from hell" gets a completely new dimension.
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InVenom: Let There Be Carnageit is not about a shared apartment in the classic sense, but about the constant collision of Eddie Brock and the-Symbionten Venom, which are forced to share the same body. Their endless quarrels and mutual distrust make living together anything but easy. The problem is reinforced because they live not only the same space, but also literally.