Video games are now at least as important as music and films - and both areas are increasingly influencing. Logically that every publication of a new game attracts attention.These video games are already the championships of the yearAnd let the days count until their appearance.
These games are eagerly awaited in 2025
When it comes to video games, 2025 could definitely be an outstanding year, because withDeath Stranding 2 - On the Beach,Dune: AwakeningandSid Meier's Civilization 7There are some releases that really promise.
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It is probably the master warted video game ever:Grand Theft Auto VIor in short:GTA 6. After the video game smithy Rockstar has placed the bar with the previous parts, the expectations of the continuation of the Open World masterpiece are almost unreachable. The previous parts were sold more than 400 million times, whatGTAMakes one of the most successful video game series of all time. The game idea is quite simple: a protagonist with a criminal history comes to an American city in order to continue to screw on his criminal career. And who wouldn't even like to hit the strands without having to fear consequences? Even. According to rumors, there was a production budget of two billion US dollars for the game, whatGTA 6would make the most expensive video game ever. Hopefully in autumn we will know if it was worth it.
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The first part of theDeath Stranding-Series came onto the market in 2019, and the action adventure, in which one has to preserve humanity from extinction after the collapse of civilization, was predominantly discussed positively. Logical that it was reprimanded on a sequel, and that is exactly what loose announced for the second half of 2025. In any case, it should be exciting what the legendary game developer Hideo Kojima, which is primarily the father of theMetal Gear-Series knows, thought for it.
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WithAssassin’s Creed ShadowsThe 14th part of the popular Open World adventure (which does not include any counters) appears-and an end is not in sight. The game should appear in March and is thematically located in feudal Japan. The developer team went on a trip to the land of the rising sun in advance in order to be able to capture the surroundings and atmosphere as perfectly as possible. We are excited! On March 20, we will know if that was successful.
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Also the video game seriesMonster Hunteris extremely popular - logical that the new partMonster Hunter Wildsis also eagerly awaited. It is announced as the strongest developed and most immersive monster-Hunter game so far that the world has seen. A new monster hunter is once again played, who this time has the task of protecting the balance of the ecosystem and hunting monsters as a member of the Commission to research the prohibited country. If this is not exciting, we don't know any further ...
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On May 15th the time has come: there appears withDoom: The Dark AgesThe prequel to the gamesDoomandDoom Eternal. Again, you slip into the role of the Doom Slayer and have to assert yourself in a dark dark fantasy/sci-fi setting. You can fall back on a variety of different weapons-from super shotgun to shield saw. Not for the weak nerves and tender, that much is certain. But that was the games of theDoom-Series never.
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Fans of the award -winningCivilization-Series no longer have to be patient, because on February 11th the time has come: Then will be withSid Meier’s Civilization VIIthe new part of the round -based strategy game published. It should be able to build the largest empire to date that the world has ever seen. As always, the course of the success depends on what decisions you make - and how quickly and well your own culture develops. You can once again build cities, create architectural miracles and always expand your territory. Fans of the series will certainly not be disappointed.
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The film adaptation of the video game last year was a disaster and has therefore been nominated for the golden raspberry several times. But the games themselves have always convinced - and hopefully that will also be part 4 of the series. The first-person shooter is likely to rely on the well-known features: lots of action, countless crazy weapons, absurd opponents and strange comrades in the fight against the various adversaries. When exactlyBorderlands 4It has not yet been known, but it should still be this year. Let's just hope.
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The reboot of the fantastic action role-playing game from 2004 should finally appear this year, but there has been no too much information about this yet. Anyone who has been able to take a look so far was always enthusiastic about the combat design, also similarities toThe Witcherwere pulled - not the worst comparison. We are excited!
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No video game year without at least one game that plays in the middle of a zombie apocalypse: Welcome toState of Decay 3! In the third part of the Open World Survival series, humanity is almost wiped-time to finally defend itself against the zombi mute and to recapture land, otherwise it looks dark for humanity. Let's hope that the game will actually come out this year, because 100%-it is not yet sure.
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Dune: Awakeningmeans the upcoming open world survival mm from Funcom, which plays on the desert planet Arrakis. In an alternative reality in which Paul Areides was never born, the houses of ATreide and Harkonen fight for supremacy in a war. From the third-person perspective, you are offered a combat system, the focus of which is on the action and in which one can and must use advanced weapons and technologies to survive. Too much has not yet been known, but even if it only fulfills the expectations that the last films have fueled, this should be a sure -fire success.