The hyped 75 Hard Challenge is really so blatant - an experience report

For a few months now, the 75 Hard Challenge has been hyped on Tiktok, a tough workout program that calls for the body and mind. We hear more and more from people who want to face the challenge. Especially at the turn of the year, the 75 Hard Challenge stood on many intentions. But the 75 Hard Challenge is not as easy as the Dry January. You need time, perseverance and the will to push yourself to your limits. We spoke to someone who did exactly that. Lukas Gold is a content creator and faced the mental body challenge at the end of last year. In the interview, he tells us about his stark experience.

Trigger warning: People who have problems with their body image or suffer from eating disorders should not read this article. Our protagonist talks about his personal views and experiences below. We do not want to advertise the 75 Hard Challenge, but only understand the background of this hyped social media phenomenon.

Tough and hyped on Tikkok: The 75 Hard Challenge

The 75 Hard Challenge should have been encountered on social media. People proudly report on their progress and their fighter spirit, film themselves in sports, reading, at Meal Prepping. That can be inspiring, but also get on your nerves pretty quickly. Nevertheless, we wanted to know what the Tikok program was all about, about which we heard so much-at least in early January. So: what is it about? The 75 Hard Challenge combines various tasks that have to be completed every day and for 75 days. This includes:

  • 2x training for 45 minutes each, one of the two units should take place outdoors
  • Drink 4 liters of water a day
  • Adhere to individual nutritional plan
  • 10 pages of a non -fictional book read
  • Lead photo diary

Yep, that's a decent workload. Content Creator Lukas Gold pulled through the full 75 days and also dispensed with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and porn consumption. There was a cold shower every day. Why do you do this to hell? What do you hope for? And is that healthy at all? We talked to Lukas about his blatant experience - and also that he would no longer do the challenge.

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The motivation behind the hyped 75 Hard Challenge

"The aim was to get back a bit of self -spectrum and train my discipline. I celebrated too much in the weeks before and let my car stand in front of the club too often to get it completely helled again the next evening. Breaking your own promise is not good - that's why a little 'reset' was necessary in the long run."

"The 75 Hard Challenge is very time -consuming"

"The aspect was particularly hard that the 75 Hard Challenge is very time -consuming overall. The whole movement burns a lot of calories that you have to absorb again. On very movement -intensive days, I ate over 5000 calories, which is without processed sugar [part of Lukas' individual nutrition plan, editor's editor. So that everything was very tiring towards the end.

What does the 75 Hard Challenge do?

"It sounds relatively absurd, but the whole thing made me very happy until shortly before the end. If you think about it, each individual point on this list triggers positive things. You definitely become more resistant and learn to prioritize your time and energy better. You have no time to waste time. In addition, my physical and mental constitution did not look so good for a long time. Can get used to it.

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"The topic 75 Hard Challenge is ticked off for me"

"The topic 75 Hard is ticked off for me. I think I have learned everything that the challenge could have taught me. The whole thing makes sense if you need a mental reset in your life. I believe that everything that goes beyond this 75 days does not really fit my lifestyle and could be problematic for this. For example, I found the second workout outside. Training goals to train twice a day. Things that fall the hardest to us are those that can make the most positive things in us. "

Lukas would have liked to know that in front of the 75 Hard Challenge

"There will be a lot of explanatory need, which in my case has led to very interesting and profound conversations than to convict. Otherwise, I believe that the ignorance of the interesting aspect of the challenge is precisely. If you are not prepared, you will suddenly find yourself in a new situation and learn to deal with it. The remaining two liters of water shortly before going to bed is not a good idea."

"Stop if you stop"

"I believe that it only makes sense to be hard with yourself if you are mentally and physically in the right constitution. To be excessive, it is only good for us (if at all). If this challenge is started, the end must be clearly defined. For example, I am self-employed.

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There is justified criticism of the 75 Hard Challenge

Lukas himself has had positive experiences with the challenge and, above all, benefited mentally. Anyone who wants such a challenge: Go for it! But hopefully it is clear that nobody has to face this challenge. "You do you" is the credo that we always preach and which should apply to such a tough program anyway. In advance, you should always ask yourself why and for what motives you face such a challenge. "To lose weight" or "because everyone does it on TikTok" are definitely the wrong answers to these questions. The 75 Hard Challenge demands an enormous number of resources - both in terms of time and physical performance. Therefore, you should think carefully beforehand whether you need this extreme way of challenge at all or you should simply be a little less strict to yourself and do not want to establish healthy routines in the long term that the body and mind really do.

75 Hard Challenge is too hard? A more relaxed alternative

Because many people have noticed that the 75 Hard Challenge is quite hard, an alternative to the hyped program is circulating on Tikok, which is much more realistic. It is called "75 Soft Challenge" and clearly slim down the task list. The nutrition plan is expanded to include so -called cheat days, the training routine is "screwed down" on four half -hour units a week. There are also daily meditation and reading or podcasts. This is still a large workload, but can be integrated into everyday life much more relaxed. In the end, we all need to know ourselves whether we want to get involved in such challenges and how we will design them in the event of an event. You do you, we can't say it often enough.