It wasn't that long ago-we all remember it-the big trend on the streets was as chunky chunky sneakers. Everything had to be as conspicuous, wide and thick as possible. This trend was then replaced by, We only say adidas samba. And because every trend always needs an extreme before it disappears for a long time, they are now followingTorpedo-Sneaker.What is that again? ActuallyThe next very big sneaker trend, that soon nobody will come by. We will all wear them all in summer at the latest - they will remember these lines. But before that we clarify them. After all, nobody wants to be among those who notice it last.
Foto: Launchmetrics SpotlightSM
Torpedo sneaker from the current Y3 collection
What do torpedoes have to do with sneakers?
A torpedo is narrow, pointed and aerodynamic. This is exactly the attributes of torpedo sneakers. They are as narrow as possible, have a pointed toe area and an extremely thin sole. Basically: as few sneakers as possible. The fast glasses for the feet. TheWas only the preparation, torpedo sneakers are the power amplifier.
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Gola is the namesake for the torpedo sneaker
We had almost forgotten the sneaker brand, when she suddenly appears out of nowhere. The British sports brandGolahas been around since 1905 and used to be known primarily for soccer shoes. Here a small circle closes to Adidas Samba. At Gola there is the sneaker model Torpedo and this is known for having a torpedo-like tip. Even if the sole is a little thicker, the shape of the shoe is a perfect orientation for the trend.
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Where can you currently find torpedo sneakers?
Luxury brands likePrada, Miu MiuandTod'shave currently integrated the trend into their collections. The only narrow, thin sneaker is teeming on the catwalks. But even away from luxury fashion, these silhouettes are established.PumaHas theMonsterand itSpeedcatandOnitsuka TigeritWrestlia-All models that apply to a typical torpedo sneaker.
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The torpedo sneaker has many siblings
Maybe they have already been surprised (maybe not). But the torpedo sneaker has many siblings. There are, for example, the ballet sneakers who have a very similar silhouette and just go through the ceiling. But there are also the racing sneakers that are particularly narrow and have thin soles. A trend with many names. Which side, which silhouette and names you ultimately choose is up to you. It is only important that you know.