The 5-4-3-2-1 method is the most ingenious packing method-andsospace -saving
Which team atare you? Team “Throw everything into the suitcase” or team “Fold everything neatly”? Either way, you will most likely encounter the same problem at one point: it is too little space in the suitcase. The balance sheet at the end of vacation? The jeans that were also packed in all cases were never worn, and something was missing elsewhere. If you want to bring a little more efficiency into your suitcase on your next vacation, you should be careful now: The5-4-3-2-1-Pack methodis unbeatable, it is guaranteed not to be missing in space or outfits - and you can also save potential extracostas for the task baggage.
5-4-3-2-1 method: that is behind it
If you search for the5-4-3-2-1 method, pop up several things: methods against panic, anxiety and how to buy as efficiently as possible. Here, however, it should be about 5-4-3-2-1 packing method-although they can also contribute to minimizing stress, so win-win. It is difficult to track who invented this method. One of the first to show her was definitely a bloggerGeneva Vanderzeil- and that several years ago. In the meantime, thousands of tips and explanations of the method are circulating on the Internet and on social media, and it has a real onetriggered. Packing on Instagram has now been very aesthetic - how realistic this is is another question.
This is how the hyped pack method works
How do you pack according to the 5-4-3-2-1 method? The principle is very simple: the numbers stand for the number of certain items of clothing. According to the method, five tops, four sub -parts, three, twoAnd an accessory set in the suitcase-consisting of a jewelry set, oneas well as headgear. Depending on the occasion and travel destination, the division can of course be adjusted somewhat. For summer vacation is thatEssential - if you choose a cooler travel destination, there are more two jackets and not two dresses. The basic principle remains the same.