“There is no perfect work-life balance for women”-Kathleen Pierce from Dyson on Hairstyling & Female Empowerment
is now a pioneer in the-S industry when it comes to hair tools. Kathleen Pierce has been global Beauty President at Dyson for 2.5 years, previously worked for brands such as Clarins, Clinique and Estée Lauder and has over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry. We spoke to her about the ideal picture of the work-life balance and asked about her professional tips for young women. She also tells us what a good oneeverything must be able to.
And Psssst! There are two big news in Dyson. You can see what it is about.
Dyson: What was actually before the hair dryer?
Beauty is an integral part of Dyson. However, there was also a time before that it was not at all about beauty. The company was founded in 1985 by engineer James Dyson. This has worked on vacuum cleaners for years, which frustrated him because the use of engines and heating elements always restricted the possibilities of design. So he specialized in this and developed an extremely small engine, the so -called hyper -engine. That changed everything: suddenly it was possible to build light and wireless vacuum cleaners.
Subsequently, James Dyson specifically searched for product categories that had remained unchanged for a long time and realized that hair dryers had been built on the same principle for over 25 years: with a large, central, unwieldy engine. So what happens if you move the small, powerful engine under control? This not only made an ergonomic sense, but also opened new design and functional options. From this point on, the engineers at Dyson were fascinated by the beauty industry and began to get intensely withand to occupy hair health.
Dyson has been around for about 25 years, but the first beauty product was only introduced in 2016. So it is not the biggest division at Dyson, "but the fastest growing area," says Kathleen Pierce. And it should go on: “Over the next four years, over 500 million pounds will flow into this area. Our focus is on creating the next great innovation. ”
Kathole pierce, Global Beauty President at Dyson, IM Interview
A side aspect of the beauty industry is the constant eighth of the exterior. What makes good hair styling for you and how does a good hairstyle affect your self -confidence?
In 2016, when I lived in Hong Kong, I saw a device in a shop window that I did not immediately recognize - it was the “Supersonic”. His innovative design fascinated me, but only at home did I understand how it works. He changed mine-Routine complete and increased my self -confidence. A good styling influences the attitude and charisma, and every product that strengthens the well -being of the customer: inside is a great responsibility.
Hair is not just hair. To what extent is diversity at Dyson implemented?
Our test procedure is very precise and covers many hair types. An example is our carethat we tested with 13.2 million data points.react differently depending on the device, so every technology must be adapted to different hair types. Especially with our “Wet Line” products, we have over 300 laboratories worldwide, in which chemists: inside and scientists: inside develop formulations. The advantage: products can be tested immediately with robot arms for their effects. In addition to these high-tech tests, it is just as important to have our products tried out by everyday users. That is why we carry out external user studies to understand how people actually keep and operate a product.
“Chitosan”-Pre-Style-Cream & -Post-Style-Serum
To what extent does the feedback from women and customers play a role: inside at Dyson?
When we bring a product onto the market, the engineers listen: close to the inside. You analyze customer reviews, look at TikKs and Instagram posts to understand: What did we do well? What can we improve?
One example is the “Air Straight”. We have found that many announced: inside the device kept differently than expected - further up on the handle to create more tension. That is why we not only optimized the voltage elements, but also added a protective layer to better regulate the heat in this area. We only gain such findings when the product is in the hands of the users: inside and we see how they use it in everyday life.
To what extent has the topic of female empowerment met you in your career so far?
I was very lucky. In every job, even during my first internships, I had onefemaleMentor. This was crucial to master certain challenges, to learn, to stand up for myself and to expand my horizon. My most important advice is therefore: you are never too young or too old for a mentor. You should actively search for the right people - you don't even have to come from your own industry. Your experience and perspective are more important.
Do you have any advice for women who want to be successful in the beauty industry professionally and entrepreneurially?
At first it is important to bring the right passion with you. You have to have real interest in the industry and probably also be a consumer yourself. You also have to appreciate customer orientation in the beauty industry. It is an industry where you have to know your customers: very well inside. What I appreciate about the beauty industry is that it can be relatively small, which means that you can network and develop well. So you can build a good reputation in a rather narrow industry and drive your career forward.
What do you think of work-life balance? I recently saw a video in which someone said that when striving for success and building a company, you cannot have a work-life balance. Do you think that's true?
I am really proud of what mineand I have reached. I have two children and we have phases behind us in which I worked more and he was more at home and vice versa. My answer to the question is: No, you cannot have this perfect balance where you can achieve 100 percent of something. For us as a family, it was all about constant communication. We knew that there would be times when I had to work more, but then I also had to make sure that my family was not neglected.
I think the idea of a perfect balance can even be harmful for women because it binds it to a standard that may be too difficult to achieve. For me, the balance comes in everyday decisions and compromises that you have to make. At the end of the day you have toAnd put the happiness of yourself and your family in the first place, and that comes first.
Dyson has product news in his luggage again. What makes a good hair dryer for you?
Many underestimate the damage to the extreme heat of theand inflicts the hair follicles. It is important to have a hair dryer that can measure the air speed and temperature and keep it at a moderate or healthy level. It is said that the hair that comes out of your head stays for three years. It is therefore important to prioritize health. Handling and weight are just as important, without affecting the performance. Another aspect of a good hair dryer is to fix the style. The new “Supersonic R” has, for example, the “Cool Shot” button, with which you can switch to cold in less than two seconds. You want to make sure that the styling lasts long and the temperature in the hair follicles is reduced, because the hair lures itself by breaking proteins, so it is crucial to cool it.
Dyson: This is the new “Supersonic R” hair dryer
“When we launched the 'Supersonic R' last year in February, we organized an event in Great Britain. We invited all experts who were involved in the development to present the product together with James. After years of development and close cooperation with professional stylist: the product was finally finished inside. But the first question that James asked the audience was: 'What can I do even better?' That says a lot about engineer: inside - they are never really finished. They want to constantly improve, optimize and develop, ”says Kathleen Pierce.
Now is that“Supersonic r”To acquire the public for the public and thus launch new innovation in hair styling. The hair dryer is available in two different sets in which the attachments differ. Once for “Straight + Wavy” hair and “Curly + Coily” hair. I was allowed to hold the tool in my hand and was surprised by its light weight and small size. So it is very easy to handle and you don't feel like you have to bend with styling. The design has never been seen and ensures an uncomplicated drying of the hair. The heating technology has been optimized so that the hair dries even faster and more precisely. There are three air sizes, four heating modes and one cold level. The ion technology is intended to prevent static charging and minimize frizz.
Another exciting fact: The so-called “RFID technology” automatically recognizes the essay used and stores the last used settings.
And by the way: Dyson's hair styling products will be available in the new color “Jasper Plum” from Monday.
“Philips 5000 Series hair dryer”
“Carer Spark ion hair dryer”