“Golden Bachelor”: I am Z - that's why I find the format and its women so inspiring
I admit: I am a reality TV junkie. But the last thing I believed is that I have a format like that“Golden Bachelor”would ever shed tears of emotion. Each: R probably knows the classic one-Format: Bachelor on RTL has been looking for her dream woman U35 for 14 years. Tears flow here at most because the consequences and their participants are: sometimes so weird and funny. The “Golden Bachelor” is different for me - not just older, but different.
In the beginning I didn't think that there was another version of this-Shows. The concept: Admittedly, the right woman is also looking for a bachelor here, but the “Golden Bachelor”, Franz Stark, is a 73-year-old man who has already been married and is now on the journey after thecommitted. The participants of the first German season are all over 60 years old. But they are much more than that.
I, as a 25-year-old woman, could draw so much inspiration and hope from the first episode and I will now tell you why.
“Golden Bachelor”: Thank you for this image of women!
Finally women over 60 who - as typically in most advertisements - are not involved,orto be associated. Because that's a pure cliché. When I imagined the candidates, I couldn't get out of amazement. I personally are often of the fear of thatobtained, which may also be an occupational disease of a beauty editor. But then I saw these women, who emphasize in the interview sequences that they would mostly feel more comfortable, better and more with themselves than in their 20s. Happy faces and a great charisma underline these statements. And even if you can see the life experience in the form of wrinkles on your face, I think: I want that too.
For me, the “Golden Bachelor” is a dating series full of stories, life experience and steadfastness. Full of people who know who they are and are no longer looking for who they want to be. The women know their value and do not compromise. For example, Sylvia is definitely no longer getting married and says “I am currently at a point where I say: 'Actually nothing is missing'”. This is probably one of the many beautiful things of this tidy age that I will look forward to.
That young women like me still constantly put around their clothes, think about whether everything sits and want to impress and therefore want toIt seems to be alien to the women who want to conquer Bachelor Franz. And yet they like to wear and not a little make-up, spend a lot of time in hair styling and have a magnificent fashion taste. They are women in all their facets and also typical properties and passions. What I also noticed when looking at it: The format exudes an unusual calm, you like to listen to what everyone has to tell because they have a lot to tell. No screeching, no obviously provoked. There are inconsistencies, but discreet.
I remember the scene in which “Golden Bachelor” participant Bärbelsunn. There it became a bit critical: I wonder if that would be in my generation - that you read something like that as a “porn bar” and so get upset about it? I almost don't believe it because I personally appreciate themsignificantly more tolerant when it comes to the lives of others. Cosmopolitanism and respect are very important with us (at least in my bubble). “Go for it”, if you want to sunbathe at the top, it would be more called. However, I cannot sign whether this mindset applies to all members of my generation.
These are the candidates of the dating show “Golden Bachelor”.
RTL+“Golden Bachelor”: Concentrated life experience and self -esteem
In the remaining consequences of the “Golden Bachelor”, it became clear to me: The good life including new adventure is not over if you are 60 years or older. The best example of this is a participant Sabine Si.: She is so-called “Granny Au-Pair”, that is, someone who takes over the tasks of an AU pair, just at advanced age. In my eyes, a great way to discover the world.
“There is a time of tearing and a time of rating. And I'm ready to sew together now, ”says Mona at the“ Golden Bachelor ”. The quote comes from “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, which I then thought about for longer. To be ready again at the age of 64, can get involved with something new - almost a sad performance.
Because I am now also dealing with the mid -20s, so that, as I can heal my existing inner construction sites, to be ready for life. And then there is a bullet again thattoplesssunny and with so many women around them is totally happy because they have been waking up alone in the morning for 20 years - without a partner, without a best friend.
The women have stories that meet me as their audience. The fact that Susanne suddenly lost her husband because of a pulmonary embolism, but was strong and worked for her children, let me swallow. “We sat together and suddenly he looks at me and I knew: Now he is. It was a huge shock, but it was also the responsibility for me-how do I get it that my children survive? ”
Like Susanne, life can run - unexpected, hard, responsible and challenging. I notice how little I have experienced and what else can happen to me. But you live inAnd never goes through difficult phases, you never learn what happiness can really mean.
Maybe it looks anti-feminist, but an important aspect in the “Golden Bachelor” was for me that Franz was left by his wife-and not the other way around. I often thought: "The evil men leave their women back". But in reality it happens differently. "I think we lost contact with each other," he said in the dating series. After 25 years he stood alone without his wife and didn't know where and how to proceed. Franz also radiates pure emotions, honesty and great empathy. I feel great, but maybe also because I can see no older people alone in a café. Just admit it, you know that too.
“Golden Bachelor”: That is why the women are empowering
Each of the women has experienced a lot,, like Kerstin, has fought her trust in love through 2.3 million euros in debt that was given to her from a marriage or even lost children, as Mona. I thought what Franz said: "It is the worst when children die in front of their parents".
And yet they are now there and still believe that they can fall in love. To start with another person. They want a partner at their side, but not because they cannot be alone with themselves, but because they long for being able to share their lives and moments of happiness.
Ute also makes it clear that she no longer needs a man to be successful or fulfilled: “I no longer need upgrade. I was a businesswoman and achieved everything I wanted to achieve. I just want to enjoy my life now. "
For me, the “Golden Bachelor” is the silver streak on the horizon for my own future: women can do everything and do everything - even with 60 or more years. The format clearly showed me that again. That you can stand up for yourself that, like Christine, you can say if you don't want to be called “Schatzi”. That despite all possible setbacks you are bursting with empowerment and only doing things for yourself. And that you still have the need for love and affection in old age.
The “Golden Bachelor” is not about influencing influencers: in becoming in, after two failed relationships to dare the next or stumble into the next dating TV format. This show is about finding someone with: who can enjoy life together - after you have achieved everything and eventually too.
The “Golden Bachelor” runs on RTL+ in the stream.Click here for the streaming service.