Annual horoscope 2025 for the zodiac sign Leo: You're starting over - finally!

Annual horoscope 2025 Leo: An era comes to an end - and a new one begins

You are under the influence of, Neptune and Jupiter and, believe us, it shoots harder than any mind-altering substance. This combo is nothing short of life-changing. This year will be a year of fate for you, one that will go down in your life, our astrologer predicts, namely – breathe! – in a positive sense.

Maybe start a new job, maybe, maybe you'll pack up and head to Byron Bay to surf. Maybe all at once. You're closing one era and ushering in a new one, and it'll feel good. You are known as a doer, but your energy level between April 19th and June 17th is from another planet (from, to be exact). If you've been planning something new for a while, the first half of the year is the ideal time to implement it. You get the chance for more power, more responsibility - and that's music to your ears.

Annual horoscope 2025: This is what awaits Leos in love and finances

Things get particularly romantic in February, March and September, in the second half of October and December, regardless of whether you are with your old partner or with a new love. In March, July and August and in the first half of November and the second half of Decemberfor winnings, successes, promotions, windfalls, gold bars and so on. Maybe buy a scratch card or ask your boss if he actually wants to put the sentence “You are indispensable in this store” into action. Alternatively, you also have the option of Byron Bay…

Annual horoscope 2025 Leo: These zodiac signs accompany you

are just as keen on change as you are.are currently going through a similar change, you inspire and support each other. A brainstorming session between the two of you could result in gigantic projects. Not invited:. Too slow, too spiritual.

All annual horoscopes for 2025 at a glance: