Annual horoscope 2025 for the zodiac sign Taurus: You're finally finding peace

Annual horoscope 2025 Taurus: Take a deep breath and rest

You lean against the doorframe, drenched in sweat, out of breath. Your shirt is torn and you have a scratch on your chin. Wild years are behind you. Uranus has been in your sign since 2018 and caused a lot of unrest: moving, changing partners, changing jobs, switching to reusable make-up removal pads, it was A LOT! Not everything is bad, a lot of it is actually really good, but it's exhausting.

Because you ayou want to finally arrive now. Take off your shoes, put on your shoes, put your feet up. And that's why this is the best news in seven years: from July 8th to November 8th he says goodbyein the. Come in, walk through the door, an oasis of peace and relaxation awaits you here.

Our astrologer Claudia Graf-Khounani advises using the time to..., go into nature, get a massage, organize your thoughts. In November, Uranus will come back briefly and show you what you have forgotten to take care of. Next year, this strenuous star will finally thin out. Close the door, take a deep breath.

What awaits Taurus professionally and privately in 2025 according to the horoscope?

From June 10th Jupiter will be in a favorable position. Jupiter - it's not called the “planet of happiness” for nothing - gives you the strength, energy and serenity to accomplish everything you set out to do without having to put in a lot of effort. The people around you are fighting for a place at your side, your skincare routine is showing success, and so on - for you, everything is going like clockwork. As far as the job is concerned, things are also going well, even better than well from September 3rd to 18th - the ideal phase to get started, to found, to realize a dream project. Have you been waiting for a cosmic sign to make your idea of ​​an alpaca farm in Mannheim-Käfertal come true? Make your business plan today.

Annual horoscope 2025 Taurus: These zodiac signs accompany you

One thing is clear: the people who have endured the rollercoaster ride of the last few years with you are staying. Zodiac sign or not, these are your ride or dies. Aside from that, you get along particularly well in 2025that inspire and motivate you.fascinate you.on the other hand, tend to exploit their power. Then you sense trouble again – no thanks.

All annual horoscopes for 2025 at a glance: