Monthly horoscope for December 2024: This is how your zodiac sign can now benefit from two new moons in one month

Monthly horoscope December 2024: A month with a “Black Moon”

The last month of the year has a lot to offer astrologically, including a rare gift from heaven called the “Black Moon.” This is what you talk about when you twoin the same calendar month - and December 2024 has exactly that. It starts with a-New moon on December 1st and ends with a-New moon on December 30th.

Two new moons that frame the month, two occasions for new beginnings and new directions: these fresh energies should be celebrated! Because in the first two weeksinfluence the pace; Progress is rather slow and delays are possible. Especially atand tight deadlines, it's best to have a plan B ready in case things don't go as planned. This somewhat clouds the mobile, quick, joyful fire of Sagittarius, in which the Sun stands until December 21st.

Monthly horoscope for December 2024: Mercury retrograde affects communication

Above all, you should pay attention to your words, because Mercury is in Sagittarius (like the Sun) and will be in Sagittarius until December 15th– this can bring challenges, especially when it comes to tactful communication. Sagittarius is instinctively honest and very blunt, which is one of their best qualities - but telling the unfiltered truth at this stage can get you into trouble and land you in the devil's kitchen. It's better to act strategically once too often and think about what exactly you wantHowwant to share.

Mercury wants to communicate precisely, but thatTends to think broadly and be quick and loose with details. This is a tough one, and it is advisable to proceed conservatively and analytically.

Monthly horoscope for December 2024: Mars will also be retrograde

Starts on December 6th: one of the most important cosmic events of the year. Mars is the least likely of all planets to go retrograde. The combination of Mercury and Mars retrograde can create a general feeling of sluggishness and lack of energycause. That's why it's important, especially in the first half of the month, not to take on too muchto put in the foreground. Mars will be retrograde until February 23, 2025, initially inand then in.

But Mars retrograde also bringsgood News: It helps us redefine how we want to use our energy. It can help us reset our priorities or check our motivation.

On December 7th, Neptune ends its retrograde

On December 7th, Neptune ends its retrograde, and this can bring us new insights and perspectives. We can now apply knowledge gained during Neptune's retrograde journey. In the best case scenario, Neptune retrograde could get us through oursbring new insights, and now we can work with them. Maybe you suddenly feel able to see a situation from a different perspective?

From Sagittarius to Capricorn – and into the New Year!

When the sun sets on December 21sthikes, it's officially winter. Now you could feel a surge of desire to organize and prepare everything to have a nice Christmas. And above all, to start the new year properly and safely!

December ends with a second new moon (a “Black Moon”) on December 30th. This is under the sign of Capricorn and is an ideal moon phase to consider what you want to achieve in 2025.

This December is great for that

Tact.You don't have to lie, but now it's all about how you package the truth. The Sagittarius is blunt and unfiltered. Because communication is difficult due to Mercury retrograde and misunderstandings are more common than usual, a little gentleness in your words can do a lot of good now. Try to find a balance between straightforwardness and diplomacy if you want to be properly understood.

Fact check.When Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius, it is advisable to check facts before speaking out or expressing an opinion publicly.

Plan B.Especially when traveling and have tight deadlines.

Keep a sense of humor.If something goes wrong, as it probably will, it helps to remain flexible and not immediately see things in the dark. Is the mishap really the end of the world? No, right? Even. The best thing to do is to adopt exactly this Sagittarius attitude, stay optimistic and just keep going,, but definitely with humor.

Celebrate his family.Christmas always reigns, but instead of being annoyed about it, you should be happy about the presence of dear people, as the transit of Venus in Aquarius in the sign of the speaks of this(from December 7th).

New Year's resolutions.The “Black Moon” on December 30th is particularly suitable for setting ambitious goals and planning the steps until then.

You should avoid this in December 2024

Just do it.Better read the email or text again, check the addressee carefully, check the spelling, calculate the travel costs if you have onewant to do. Especially in the first two weeks of December, it is not advisable to simply click “Send” or “Book”.zpress u. Better to sleep on it one more night!

Say yes to every invitation.You'll need to clear out your schedule, especially around Christmas and between years. On Christmas Eve, Jupiter and Saturn are in a challenging aspect to each other. Jupiter wants to expand while Saturn demands responsibility. Make sure to stay relaxed, which of course is only possible if you set limits (for yourself) and don't say yes to everything.

Autopilot.Despite Mercury's retrograde, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the Sagittarius vibe that prevails in the first three weeks. This mobile fire sign is a philosopher, adventurer, student and teacher at the same time - and the clown of the zodiac signs. He wants to know: Why am I actually doing all this? Where do I want to go? What do I still need to learn and experience, where do I want to travel? Of course you can run your program as usual, but Sagittarius time is the ideal season to ask yourself the really important questions.