New moon in January 2025: The first new moon of the year brings a whole new energy
AmJanuary 29th at 1:36 brand new one begins: the first new moon of the year! This new moon is in the innovative, witty, forward-looking sign of.
Like any new moon, this is an ideal time to plant new seeds, make resolutions, set intentions and goals, and generally embrace a new sense of purpose. (This is especially true at the time of the new moon itself and for the 35 hours afterward until the far right edge is illuminated by sunlight again.) Because this new moon is the first of the year and ushers in the new lunar year, it has a freshnessper se. And what a coincidence!
The Chinese Year of the Snake also begins on January 29th
The Chinese New Year also begins on January 29th:. The Snake is a complex and multifaceted sign. It represents wisdom, patience and the ability to resist adversity, but also cunning, poison, secrets. The snake is also associated with transformation because it sheds its skin to renew itself. So if you want to start fresh on this day: here you go!
The Year of the Snake means in thea year of change. The element of wood (2025 is the year of the wood snake) is associated with growth, creativity, stability and closeness to nature. Snake and Wood create a blend of the introspective and transformative energy of the Snake and the growing and balanced nature of Wood.
New Moon in Aquarius: Truth, Innovation and Big Visions
But back to the new moon. This fixedis a visionary, but does not lose himself in fantasies. Theis open to unconventional ideas. It is associated with progress, freedom, innovation and revolution.
It's quite possible that you want to connect with others these days and give something back, after all it is also the sign of community. Above all, Aquarius is known for his perseverance in the search for truth and his intellectual rigor. So it may well be that you want to take a stand now.
As for Aquarius being a visionary: you couldhave ones that you don't seem ready for or ones that feel silly. Allow them! You can free yourself in the new moon in this sign and dream boldly and big. Aquarius and the new moon energy work best when theyout of the boxallowed to think. It's almost as if you could restart your own system, especially the mental one.
Opportunities for growth and lots of ideas thanks to Jupiter
This new moon is also very open-minded and confident because it is in a trine to Jupiter. Jupiter wants us to dream and brings a visionary energy about what we want our lives to look like. He wants growth and brings opportunity. Because both planets (Moon and Jupiter) are in air signs, you may suddenly have 20 ideas for a problem. Caution: Beware of dark side of Aquarius, who can be too conceited and sometimes knows everything better.
Restless intensity thanks to Pluto and Mercury
Pluto, the planet of extremes, is also new to Aquarius, forming an exact conjunction with Mercury on January 28th. This is a restless energy. Shocking news could come to light, secrets could be revealed - even on a global level. Power struggles and manipulation can occur. But this transit signals an initial spark that also promotes a new beginning. The best chances on this new moon to get a fresh start!
What you should and should not do in the days around the new moon
The new moon in January 2025 is particularly suitable for this
Expand your world of thought.Think about larger contexts, about dreams for the future. Research and read, now is the moment to fill yourself with new visions. Read and research, and although the vibe points towards the future, discover explorers and pioneers from times past: What did they do differently? How did they think differently?