Celery juice in the self-test: This is how the hyped wellness cure affects the body
Sold-out shelves in Berlin organic shops, no longer a round of poles-and to blame for it is a man: Anthony William, or rather, his celery juice cure. "Is the Hype Real?" Asks our author Claudia Herold. As a health -conscious person, she dealt with the phenomenon and tested the cure for a month.
Do you already know Anthony William? The American, who describes himself as a "Medical Medium", has the celery juicelaunched - and thus ensured a storm on the green vegetables. It all started stars like Courteney Cox, Jenna Dewan and Pharell Williams. They all made his celery juice cure and were thrilled with the effect. Not in the quiet closet, but of course on Instagram:
But we don't believe everything that is promised, and that's why I just do the test myself. But in advance but a few facts about the healthy tuber and its green leaves.
Celery juice: the overview
What do you have to consider when shopping?
When is the best time for a celery juice cure?
How do you properly store all of the rods?
Who invented the celery juice cure?
What effect does celery juice have according to Anthony William?
What side effects can the celery juice cause?
How is the celery juice properly prepared?
Prepare juice cure with celery: Anthony Williams rules for the celery juice cure
What does a celery juice cure cost?
How does the celery juice taste? And when should the celery juice be drunk best?
What happens to the remains that arise when juicing? The best recipes
Celery juice: my personal conclusion
What is celery?
Most of them are known as the large light brown tuber as part of the soup grass next to laminated rod and carrot. However, celery is available in two versions in the vegetable shelf, as a celeriac (root vegetables) and as a perennial or all-round of the bars (umbels), which grow above the ground. The latter are in the foreground at Anthony Williams. For the celery juice, we use the celery, which is also referred to as a bleach and is quite mild in taste, since the rods are held from the light during cultivation, so that less chlorophyll forms and the sticks look light green and are not too bitter in taste and can be eaten or drunk. The leaves can also be consumed, but they make the juice bitter.
Katja Brömer
What should be considered when purchasing the celery sticks?
When purchasing seller rods, I am sure to make sure that it is bio quality. If we assume that the food should serve a good cause and can even heal, it is important that the vegetables have not been exposed to chemical substances that our body should also deal with. I decide to make this juice cure very consciously, so I buy in the biomarks of my trust or in the country directly from the organic farmer, so that I have a good feeling with the food I supply my body. Another important point when buying celery rods is the fresh quality. The celery rods should feel firm and not too flexible that look fresh, which guarantees the optimal nutrients. In addition, the celery should stay in the refrigerator for a few more days if we don't have the opportunity to go shopping fresh in the organic market every day. By the way, fresh and crispy here is in front of stains - because biogo jumps are untreated and rarely looks as artificially perfect as that from the normal supermarket. However, if perennials or leaves are red -colored in the middle, the mold is. Therefore, check the middle of the perennials to red spots, because mold naturally makes the food inedible.
When is the best time for a celery juice cure?
Every vegetable matures at different times and is used to be used in a certain season and offered for sale in the markets. Since the harvest time of perennials is regionally with us in Germany between June and October, this period is ideal for a cure with a seller made of celery.
How is the round of rods correctly stored?
If you have the opportunity, you can put a small supply of bars in the refrigerator. The perennials can be kept in the refrigerator in the lower compartments or even in the vegetable compartment for up to two weeks. In the fridge, the vegetables gradually release water. I wrap the perennials in slightly wet tea towels, so the water is absorbed straight away.
Who invented the celery juice cure?
The inventor of the celery juice cure is Anthony William. He describes himself as a medium and receives an inner voice that he calls "spirit", instructions, prisons or advice to help people on this planet. Sounds a little crazy, but his celery juice cure should help with various complaints. Many more - according to Anthony William, which has nothing to do with fate or inheritance."Media Medicine")
Tip: You can find out more about Anthony Williams in the documentary "Heal" (also on Netflix):
What effect does celery juice have according to Anthony William?
In addition to a lot of water, rod celery contains important mineral salts such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium in a concentrated form. These important mineral salts help to restore healthy stomach acid by, for example. bad bacteria (Heliobacter Pylorifight. The celery juice supports the liver, which takes care of the processing of poisons by food (pesticides), exhaust gases, alcohol, medication, cigarettes, perfumes, etc. and thus has a great influence on our health. The juice has enzymes that help the organism better split down food, digest and detoxify the body. In addition, the celery juice increases bile juice production. This is important for fat split and killing pathogens. But that's not enough; The celery juice is also antiseptic and with its mineral salts helps the nervous system to combat toxic substances through viruses and bacteria. So do not be surprised if there is initial diarrhea or stomach pain, because that usually only means that pathogenic (i.e.: disease -causing) bacteria are killed. Tip: Do not give up, but drink less juice the next day and gradually increase the amount until 500ml.
What side effects can the celery juice cause?
Possible side effects that can occur are headache or slight abdominal pain. However, according to Anthony William, these are detoxification symptoms that are completely normal and evaporate again. If the drinking of pure celery juice, however, causes severe side effects such as headaches, stomach pain, the amount of juice should initially be reduced. On the following days, the amount of celery juice can be gradually increased so that the body can get used to it carefully.
Further information is available from Anthony William himself from his radio show on YouTube, which is translated into German by a reader of his books:
How is the celery juice properly prepared?
In order to produce about ½ liter of pure celery juice, depending on the type of celery and growth of the plant, you need 1 - 1 ½ perennial celery. Wash the celery under the tap briefly. If you don't have a organic dish, you can briefly rinse the seller rods with a few splashes of ecological detergent under the tap. Keep the celery juice in a glass bottle and consume within a maximum of 24 hours. By the way: The celery juice becomes bitter through the leaves. The fewer leaves, the milder the juice tastes. When the first preparation, put as few leaves as possible in the juicer and increase the amount of leaves each time. If the stomach has got used to the bitter taste, bitterness is no longer a problem.
Prepare recipes correctly: Anthony Williams rules for the celery juice cure
Anthony Williams rules to drink the juice in order to gain the highest possible effect of this juice:
1. Pay attention to organic quality and wash off the celery under running tap
2. Daily: Soberly drink at least 500 ml of celery juice right after getting up soberly after getting up
3. The celery juice should be pure and pure without fibers or pieces so that the digestion is not stimulated, but the pure minerals should be in the blood.
4. Not mix the juice with the juice of other fruits or other vegetables.
5. Drink immediately (!) After juicing. Due to the oxygen, the celery juice and its valuable minerals are lost
Preparation of the seller with the juicer: juice
Depending on the juicer species, cut the poles into small pieces and gradually add them to the juicer quickly. A Slow Juicer is best suited because the low engine output is more minerals and vitamins.
Preparation of the celery with the mixer: smoothie
Also wash with water or eco-washing materials and cut them into the mixer for the smoothie. If you don't have a high -performance mixer, you should add a glass of water and mix for about three minutes until a homogeneous mass is created. Now strain the seller of the seller through a kitchen towel.
Preparation and previous experience with a round of rods:
The first task for me was to find organic markets that sell all the rods. In my favorite biomarkt around the corner, I check the alle of rods for the first time. I admit that this type of celery was not my first choice in the vegetable shelf. I bought celery as the root vegetable to use it for my vegetable broth. Otherwise, this vegetable and especially as a variant in pole shape left me completely cold. I only knew a celery from my USA trip. There he appeared in various organic shops or salad bars. However, I was not really enthusiastic about the spicy celery taste and have so far avoided the green sticks. My first point of contact with the celery juice cure was the book"Medical Food". When the hype around Anthony Williams' celery juice had also arrived in Germany and was partly sold out in the organic markets of the paste of the perennial in Berlin, as I was able to learn about various Insta-Stories, I then perceived the celery juice effect more consciously. A clear signal for me: I want to test that too. Let's go!
Prepare for the first time of the ally of the rods
I am already faced with the first puzzle: How much of the celery do I need for half a liter of juice? I try three copies. Minus Strunk results in the seven individual rods celery per waist. I wash this thoroughly. Then I cut the poles into small pieces and put them in my juicer. In order to obtain the best possible juice results, they are suitablehorizontal juicervery good. Juicing takes about 5 minutes. I fill two large glasses with my three celery. So not so badly estimated!
Katja Brömer
What does a celery juice cure cost?
In the celery juice myself, I used about one and a half to two celestial dews so that around 500ml of pure juice. I buy the seller rods in various organic stores such as Vollcorner organic market, Basics Biomarkt or from Allnatura. The prices for the sellers fluctuate somewhat. But all in all, the average price for a self -made celery juice in the morning is around four euros. The celery juice cure costs around 120 euros per month - depending on the nature of the celery.
How does the celery juice taste? And when should the celery juice be drunk best?
According to Anthony William, the celery juice should be drunk immediately after juicing so that the ingredients can arrive and work immediately in the body. The best time is on an empty stomach in the morning. The darker the bar green, the more intensely the celery taste, but also the healing effect. I admit that the first glass is difficult for me due to the unusually bitter taste. That's why I drink the juice in small swallowing, which is also better for digestion, since a preliminary digestion in the mouth is guaranteed. Note: Do not overwhelm the body and proceed in small steps. Tiping the glass down in a sip can cause stomach pain and flatulence, as too much oxygen gets into the body and it spreads.
What happens to the remains that arise when juicing? The best recipes
At first I didn't think about that. But since I wanted to use everything in the spirit of the organic idea, I made delicious celery crackers from the pomite in the Dörr automat. For a sufficient amount of two sheets you can collect the celery residues of three days and store in the fridge.
Recipe: celery linseed cracker
1 cup of flax seeds (just put in water after getting up in the morning and let it soak, about 2 hours)
1 cup of buckwheat grains (also soak for 2 hours and wash thoroughly)
4 cups of celery pomace
1 TL rosemary (dried)
1TL Oregano (getrocknet)
½ TL Thymian (getrocknet)
This is how it works:
Mix all the ingredients well with your hands and spread or roll out the dough on the debris foils (max. 5mm height). Salt is not necessary because the sellers still contain enough salt. It is best to indicate the pieces with a pizza scooter, then the dough can be easily broken into individual pieces. Now let it turn and enjoy for 6h (depending on the dehydrator) and enjoy! As an alternative, the crackers can also be dried in the oven for several hours in the oven at 40 degrees.
Celery juice: my personal conclusion
What does the cure bring with celery juice? Less with me, my baby hair has grown again, after washing my hair I have less hair in my sieve. The mineral salt, especially the zinc, strengthens hair growth. But zinc not only strengthens hair, but also inhibits inflammation and ensures faster wound healing. For example, I always had smaller onesAnd to do pimples on the face, after the second week my complexion has clarified. Due to the bitter substances, the appetite is slightly soaked in the morning and I feel like something fresh like fruit instead of bread. So I start the day fitter and more consciously. My lunch and afternoon fatigue were also passé after a week.