Tarot horoscope from March 10th to 16th, 2025: Three zodiac sign should plan, research and structure
Theis not a fortune, but an assessment of your current situation and the life topics that concern you. What is important right now and what is not? The tarot tells the stories you should hear, it reveals truths, represents relationships, brings new ideas, allows the right conclusions, shows hidden aspects of human psyche, confronts the dark sides.
The cards never lie. And the answers are within you - our author Danijela Pilic akaBureau TarotTranslates them only for you.Bureau Tarotstands for modern, real life, intuitive tarot that shows you where you are and what it is all about.
By the way: For a more detailed picture you can also the cards of yoursAnd yoursread.
Bulls, watermenandFishIf this week rely on structure and plan and divide as precisely as possible - be it time, energy or money.
For all zodiac signs, thatAnd his symbol language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to your own inner truth and to uncover which topics are important.
Aries: Queen of the Kelche vice versa
Saskia Diez
The queen of the goblets stands for someone who is at peace with his sensitivity and feelings. It encourages others to recognize the value of their own feelings and consider sensitivity as a strength, not as a weakness. If she appears the other way around, she can say: If you feel uncomfortable with the abundance of your emotions, dear? Are you afraid of being open because someone could hurt you?
The opposite Queen of the Kelche indicates that you may currently have your feelings or yourslying in the clinch. Maybe you find it difficult to clearly recognize or express your emotions. Maybe they are too much and you feel overwhelmed by them. This card asks you to bring clarity into your emotional chaos.
At the same time, Merkur is in your sign in the pretense phase (Mercury will be from March 15th), Which means that your communication and thinking may be a little confused now. You could react impulsively or feel misunderstood. Make sure not to make hasty decisions or act rash. Try to practice patience this week, especially in communication, and avoid impulsiveness. Use this phase to rethink and clarify thoughts or conversations before Mercury declines and could create even more confusion.
The opposite queen of the goblet asks you to be emotionally honest. That means in honor of all feelings without acting immediately after them. Sometimes you can take a deep breath.
Bull: Queen of the coins
Saskia Diez
The queen of the coins is the queen of the earth and your queen, dear! It stands for prosperity that is not only financially, but also emotional and spiritual. She is a protector and provider who cares carefully and always remains in harmony with the natural rhythms.
WhenIf you are known for your earth connection, your resistance and your deep need for security and stability. But sometimes you tend to set up in his comfort zone and resist change. This week it will be particularly important to you, because the upcoming Mercury return (from March 15), whose pre-shadow phase is already noticeable at the beginning of the week, brings a time of reflection and review. For you this means that you should take a close look at your plans and projects beforebecomes. The queen of the coins supports you in patient and practical and not getting you out of possible delays or communication problems. Concentrate on the essentials and carefully manage your resources - be it time, money or energy.
Twins: six of the goblets
Saskia Diez
This week is about the past, dear. The six of the goblets symbolizes the return to past experiences, the healing through loving memories and the opportunity to integrate old joys into the present. It is a map of nostalgia, childlike joy and emotional connections. She invites you to honor the past without getting stuck in it.
DieIncreases this review of the past, especially with regard to relationships and self -esteem. Perhaps you will be confronted with old feelings or unresolved emotional patterns that are now demanding your attention. And then there is an emotional, intense full moon on March 14th, accompanied by one. The full moon and the lunar eclipse shed light on what was hidden for a long time, and ask you to deal with these topics. It is a time of emotional cleaning and letting go, but also of healing through loving memories. Feel in and remember when you really felt safe.
The six of the goblets remind you that the past can be a source of wisdom and joy as long as you do not use it as an escape from the present. Use this energy to clarify old compounds, integrate repressed feelings and rediscover the childlike lightness and curiosity thatSo natural.
When someone from your past suddenly reappears this week, both remember both: the good and the bad times.
Cancer: the magician
Saskia Diez
The magician stands for willpower, creativity and the ability to implement your own dreams into reality. He is a master of manifestation that uses the elements and energies of the universe to achieve his goals. In his hand, he holds the tools that symbolize the four elements - goblets, swords, rods and coins - and shows that he has all the resources he needs to realize his visions.
Under the full moon and the lunar eclipse on March 14th, the magician calls you to actively use the emotional impulses and intuitive insights that the full moon produces. The lunar eclipse reinforces this process and symbolizes a moment of transformation when you can convert your emotional depth into targeted actions.
The magician reminds you that you are already wearing all the tools in you: your intuition (chalice), your mind (sword), your creative power (staff) and your ability to create security (coin). During this time of the full moon and the darkness, theRequested to use these tools consciously to open up new ways. The magician is a guiding figure that shows you that you can not implement your visions through passivity, but through targeted action and clear intentions.
This full moon, which of course you feel particularly, because you are ruled by the moon, support you in recognizing you as a creator: in your own life. You can actively shape your reality - and not see your emotional sensitivity as a weakness, but as a source of strength and manifestation.
Lion: nine of the goblets
Saskia Diez
The nine of the goblets is considered the map of the desired fulfillment. Good things are on the move for you, dear: Are you ready to receive them? AsIf your ruling planet is the sun - and this week you can make your inner sun, your true self, shine even more. You can see that you are already perfect and enough, just like the figure on the nine of the goblets, which rests in its own abundance.
As a lion, you are known to broadcast a natural authority and an attractive presence, and also generosity, pride and passion. But as you know best, there is also a deep need for emotional fulfillment and a meaning behind this radiant facade that goes beyond the external admiration. And here the nine of the goblets is right. It stands for abundance, fulfillment of dreams and the feeling of being in harmony with itself and the world. She reminds that true happiness comes from the inside and that we have the power to manifest our own wishes.
And precisely because you often strive for external recognition and confirmation, the message of the nine of the goblets is of particular importance for you: namely, it sounds trace that true satisfaction does not come from the outside, but from the inside. The nine of the goblets encourages you to listen to your own soul song. She says: Enjoy life to the fullest. You have everything you need. But also: what do you really want? What is missing so that you can get myself in harmony?
What can give you a light this week is the full moon and the lunar eclipse on March 14th. Now, at a bright moment, you could quickly become clear which old pattern of inadequacy you should throw.
Virgin: justice
Saskia Diez
Justice stands for the same and it also stands for the truth. She sees the situations with which she is confronted with clear and clear. The sword that she holds in her hand stands for the fact that assertive action is necessary to eliminate the source of imbalance.
Sometimes it is not easy to see the facts. The full moon on March 14, accompanied by a lunar eclipse, takes place in your sign and brings intensive and transformative energy into your life. Lunar eclipses often reveal facts and information that were not previously known and could give things a different turn. This energy and justice indicates a time of truth, clarity and karmic compensation.
Justice reminds you that every action has consequences and that you now have the opportunity to correct old mistakes or to clarify inexperienced matters. You can now pay old debts, love. You can finally address something that you have found for a long time as unfair. The thing with justice is that it is not based on emotions. If you have to make a decision, it should be based on logic and fairness, not on emotions.
At the same time, this time asks you to deal fairly and forgetted with yourself. Perhaps you have judged too strictly with yourself in the past or put yourself under pressure to be perfect. Justice reminds you that you should stay justice towards yourself.
Libra: the tower
Saskia Diez
The tower symbolizes the case of illusions, the breakdown of old, outdated systems and the need to free yourself from things that no longer correspond to your true self. Look at the card, love: The people who fall out of the tower are their own prisoners. They created their prison themselves, walled walls around them who are encapsulating from reality and stunning their feelings.
You could be confronted with a situation that throws you out of your comfort zone. Perhaps truths that you have ignored for a long time will be uncovered in your relationships, or something happens that questions your previous ideas and plans. The full moon on March 14, which goes hand in hand with the lunar eclipse, stands for: that things are uncovered that can change everything, quickly, because darkness is known to accelerate things.
WhenIf you strive for harmony and balance, this full moon asks you to face the unpredictability of life. You could be forced to make a decision that you have delayed for a long time, or that you are confronted with truths that can no longer be ignored. The full moon illuminates what was hidden and the tower brings it to the surface. The tower also says that this upheaval is necessary, even if it initially has a painful or shocking effect. Above all, the days around the full moon could be an unexpected awakening for you or a sudden knowledge that shakes old structures or beliefs in your life.
Use this energy to let go, which no longer wears you, dear scale. Trust that these changes ultimately free you and give you the opportunity to start again on more stable foundations.
Scorpio: seven of the rods reverse
Saskia Diez
You against the rest of the world, dear? It's not like that! But could be that some situations feel like this this week. The vibes are violent, because on March 14th there is a powerful full moon with lunar eclipse and brings a phase of intensive reflection and possible upheavals for you, especially when it comes to relationships and personal fights. In connection with the reverse seven of the rods, topics such as resistance, retreat and the feeling of remaining in defense are intensified. Added to that, which also whirs up energies about relationships and values. It could be that old misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts or past injuries come back to the surface. The withdrawal or reflection on past mistakes is now particularly strong.
Conversely, the seven of the rods warns of excessive demands or the feeling of having to stand too much against external forces. However, the full moon brings an opportunity to clarify during this time. You are called to question your positions and check whether the constant discussion is really the solution. Now you can rethink your very own way of how you stand against challenges and whether you are really in the right fights. Perhaps there is also a deep need to withdraw from a conflict and create space for healing.
The opposite seven of the rods also indicates that you may unnecessarily create an argumentative atmosphere and make your fights more difficult than they should be. This week applies: if you don't necessarily have to fight, don't do it. Test your back. And dare to show you very close people. You will be amazed at how much you want to be there for you.
Sagittarius: the world
Saskia Diez
The world, the last map of the Great Arkana, symbolizes the conclusion of an important life cycle and achieving an important goal. It stands for completeness, harmony and success according to a mastered challenge, whether on a professional or spiritual level. In order to mark this transitional rite, she received two magic rods: they symbolize total self -determination, perspective and mastery. For you this is a moment of triumph and inner calm, dear. You can look back proudly and remain open to new perspectives. Magical new possibilities are now opening up to you. The world reminds you that you can always climb new heights to live freedom and continue to grow.
The world is also an invitation to complete things, and this energy of the next chapter structure harmonizes with the mighty energies of the full moon on March 14th. Like every full moon, it stands for degrees and completion, but because it goes hand in hand with a lunar eclipse, he can indicate information that is not yet known and could quickly give things a different turn.
In any case, the world encourages you to end what you started. You should now connect the loose ends. You conclude a chapter, and on the horizon you can already see the next step, the next trip. By the way: the world is also a super omen for. If you lock clean and thatHatened: Which one do you want to open next? Where do you want to go next?
Capricorn: four of the coins reverse
Saskia Diez
The four of the coins traditionally symbolizes security, stability and adherence to material values. In the opposite position, however, she can indicate an imbalance: it could be that this week you tend to stick too rigidly to his plans, have fear of change or lose you in the illusion of security. AsAre you known for your discipline, determination and your strong connection to security and structure. But the reverse four of the coins can be an indication that you cling too much in control and possession.
The declining Venus increases the energy of the reverse four of the coins, because in this phase we are encouraged to rethink our relationship with material values and emotional security. This is a time when old financial or relationship patterns could come to the surface: what is really important? What actually creates a feeling of security in you? Is this only in external structures, or inner trust in the flow of life?
This week, under the (full moon on March 14th), a light will be in this reference: First, that true security cannot be found solely by external possessions or achievements and secondly that true stability also requires flexibility and trust. You could feel like opening yourself and tearing off the walls you created. You could understand that growth is always associated with risk. Look at the figure on the map: she has no hand free because she holds everything. So nothing new can be added, even no further coin.
Aquarius: King of the coins
Saskia Diez
The full moon in the sign of the virgin on March 14 emphasizes the need to bring order to chaos and to look at the details of life. All right, I am here, says the king of the coins! I stand for stability, responsibility and the ability to manifest long -term goals. I am the guardian of resources and embodies the wisdom to make life practical and meaningful. Like all kings, he also draws his power from structures. The king of coins appreciates order and logic, prefers the quality of the quantity, appreciates traditions and has an eye for things that are permanent. If a decision is due this week, he advises you: proceed more conservatively, dear. When it comes to investments, he prefers those who have little risk.
He also says: patience is extremely important. Whatever you are planning, remember that everything that is value takes time to develop. This also applies to your goals, skills and gifts. He also advises you to prepare for the future, set your goals and divide them into small, accessible units. It is best to do this before Mercury declines on March 15th. During its return, it may be that your plans to stall or experience delays, but that doesn't matter, because: everything that is worth takes time to develop.
Fish: Knights of the coins
Saskia Diez
The knight of the coins stands for practical action, patience and the ability to realize long -term goals step by step. He is the one who implements his plans with care and discipline without losing the joy of the process. For you, dear, this can be a valuable message: it is time to transform your spiritual and creative ideas into tangible results. How? By planning! Sounds boring? Doesn't matter!
WhenAre you known for your sensitivity, intuition and your deep emotional understanding. You have dreams and visions, now it's about grounding and stability. And for patience. If the knight of the coins always appears, things go slowly. However, it is important to act and plan before Mercury declines on March 15, because from there everything can be donestillgo slower.
The declining Mercury in the pretense phase announces a time when communication, plans and details have to be checked again before they can be finalized. This can mean structure your ideas or projects again before you carry them into the world. The knight of the coins encourages you to recognize possible obstacles and delays with foresight before Mercury declines. This week also applies: research, check and check twice whether you really have all the facts together.
Tarot horoscope for the week from March 3 to March 9, 2025 for each zodiac sign
Crabs, scalesandScorpionecan now live and celebrate their best life.
For all zodiac signs, thatAnd his symbol language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to your own inner truth and to uncover which topics are important.
Aries: Six of the swords
Saskia Diez
If you want to leave something behind this week, dear, No matter what, you have the best cards for it: the six of the swords, the map of the transition. It stands for moving on, from one place in your life to another. This card can be on, a change of profession, a promotion, leave a relationship or move. In any case, you put in a change process, and it is good, because something better is waiting for you on the other bank.
On March 3, Merkur will move into your sign and now it will be exciting. Merkur imis not about long superior or hesitation, but about acting and directly tackling. It may be that ideas just get out of you, and you will feel the urge to change something immediately. This is not about reluctance, hesitation or review. You can approach everything you have been planning for a long time for a long time, with a new, fresh energy. The boat could be bigger, the sea is rough and the crossing can feel shaky, but you should know that this trip is worth it. What do you want to leave behind you?
Bull: two of the rods
Saskia Diez
The two of the rods stand for the planning of the future, for progress, and for all sorts of opportunities. It also stands for the choice between its own convenience and new adventures, which of course fall out of the comfort zone and are nerve -wracking.
WhenIf you tend to think practical and down -to -earth, and this is a great strength, especially when it comes to making decisions. But this week, thanks to Merkur in Aries, quick, determined thoughts could prevail. Your head is full of ideas and you have the feeling that you have to act now. Merkur's energy in the ram could push you in the direction of acting quickly. Now it could be smart to take your usual patience for a moment and approach the unknown person a little more courageously, according to the motto: Will go well!
You definitely have to make a decision: in which direction do you want to go? A first step is enough. He will also help against the feeling of restlessness that this card carries with it. The only thing the two of the rods demand from you is to work further. For example, if you are planning a trip, try to design it so that you can combine fun and business together.
Twins: moderate
Saskia Diez
Especially from March 5th to 7th, just bubble out of ideas: theis in your sign. It may be that your curiosity flourish and you turn up properly in conversations. You could be full of new questions that are waiting to be answered. It is a good time to learn new things or to immerse yourself in a topic that has been interested in you for a long time. Great, right? The moderate says: But, but she also asks you not to want everything at once. Even if you now have a lot on the screen, she says: Right now the real progress is in balance. You don't have to implement everything immediately, don't always jump from one thought to the next. This week it makes sense to tackle calm and carefully, to clearly (and harmoniously) arrange things and to sort your thoughts.
That means consciously turning back a gear again and again, even if only for a few minutes. If you are too involved in thoughts, concentrate on your body. Attempts to eat healthy and balanced pay attention to the balance between effort and rest. If there is a disagreement with a loved one, try to see the other's point of view as best you can, so that you can agree on the golden middle.
Cancer: nine of the coins
Saskia Diez
The nine of the coins says: Treat you, dear. Don't forget to celebrate yourself this week. You deserve to enjoy life as it isnowis. The card says: You really did a lot, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Think about: What have you achieved since the beginning of this year? Write down it calmly, every little goal achieved, even the most minimal progress. Don't miss anything!
It is interesting that your card last week (the five of the coins) stood for the mindset of poverty and scarcity, and this week the opposite: the nine of the coins is the mindset of abundance, prosperity and wealth. This means that you have probably successfully worked on your perspective. With the phase of declining Venus (from March 2 to April 13), you have the opportunity to further expand this. This phase is very cheap to rethink your connection to finance and material things. What does your rich life look like? Paint it out.
In the meantime, the following applies to this week: do not raise the best for the end or at some point, treat you to it now. If it seems impossible or irresponsible to buy something to you, work with what you have. Tighten your best dress and put on the luxurious lipstick that you have lifted for later.
Lion: strength the other way around
Saskia Diez
The strength is your card, dear! It appears the other way around here and this can indicate that you doubt your courage, personal strength and your competence. This in turn can be related to the decline in Venus (since March 2), because in this phase you tend to rethink and check your self -worth. But no matter whether the strength appears upright or vice versa: it isyourMap. You have the courage and skills, and even if you doubt it, you can overcome this by exuding steadfast trust. You can think back from all the times when you felt like you were really strong. You are still this person.
The reverse force also warns that you are in your ambition and strivingare too hard to yourself. Remember: the strength is a muscle and you can train it. This is best done with reasonable, yourself towards yourself sensitive decisions and small self -corrections.
Virgin: five of the goblets
Saskia Diez
For you, the week could become a little more emotional, love. The five of the goblets indicate that you concentrate on what is no longer or what has been lost - maybe a burst dream or a relationship that has not run as you hoped.
The declining Venus intensifies this effect by asking you to look back again and old onesOr to address unfinished topics. Youthorougheven do it! It could be that you face feelings that you have long forgotten. Or former conflicts or misunderstandings come up again. (Of course you can clarify them at any time and continue with pure heart.) Even if it may be uncomfortable, this time is an opportunity to take emotional legacy and focus on the positive.
Despite all the processing: it is important not toonlyTo get stuck in the past. The five of the goblets remind you that you can only progress if you also see the chances that are in front of you. Or in this case behind you: Look at the two upright goblets! She doesn't see the figure on the map. And you have to lift your head to do that. The five of the goblets are always a memory that something good will soon come, that a new door opens for you. Until then: she gently to yourself. Allow yourself to grow through this reflection without losing a view of what is still possible.
Libra: nine of the goblets
Saskia Diez
The nine of the goblets is a happy card: it stands for satisfaction, satisfaction, gratitude and, last but not least, the fulfillment of your wishes, love. Take a look at the happy man on the menu who has spread his nine goblets. He is prepared and knows what he wants. This is exactly how you should cover your desired table.
Cover your desired table and meet the preparations. What do you want to invite you to your life? Although the nine of the goblets the map of theis not necessarily that you speak out a wish and that it just fulfills. Think about it: What is your wish? How can you implement it into action? The nine of the goblets will help you, but you have to do the preparatory work.
This week there is a special energy that invites you to think deeply and honestly. Venus, your prevailing planet, has been declining since March 2 (and remains until mid -April). This is an exciting phase for you, because it can bring old topics from the past to light again, especially with regard to relationships and self -esteem. It now makes sense to pause and reflect past experiences. What went well and what do you want to change? “Referring Venus” times are not ideal for new ties, but perfect to clarify, which is not entirely round in existing connections.
It is also an opportunity to look at yourself and see if there are things you want to work on. So what do you wish for love and money? Use this time to find clarity and to focus on what is really important to you.
Scorpio: Six of the rods
Saskia Diez
The six of the rods is a map of success and recognition.You win,! Your work and your commitment have borne fruits and you will be rewarded for it. You fought and now you get recognition for it.
The advice of the six of the rods is to celebrate this success, even if it is not yet the end of your trip. You should also celebrate intermediate successes! Show your skills, be proud of riding on a white horse and let your fans celebrate you. Don't forget to thank those who helped you.
Usually the six of the rods are enough to celebrate and not to plan the next step. But on March 5th, Merkur is in sex style to Pluto, your ruling planet and that can now help you to gain deeper insight into your goals and strategies and to formulate your inner visions clearly. Your communication is nowon pointAnd you can pursue your plans with more precision and determination. It is also a transit that favors profound conversations and uncovering secrets. So make sure what will be communicated or uncovered around March 5.
Sagittarius: Ten of the goblets reverse
Saskia Diez
The ten of the goblets usually stand for emotional fulfillment and harmony, but in the opposite position it can be a sign of emotional unrest or dissatisfaction. She can also indicate that something is not going well in your love life. Maybe you feel at a distance and can't explain it, dear?
Venus, the planet of love, has been declining since March 2, and in the phase of their decline, one tends to rethink relationships and also self -esteem. This is completely normal and even very advisable. But that does not mean that you have to act immediately if you feel the little one doubts! It only means that it is currently working in you. Conversely, the ten of the goblets ask you to step back and check what you really expect from your relationships. What do you need to feel completely in harmony?
The reverse ten of the goblets also remind you of the fact that true fulfillment from a state of peace and thecomes. Have you listened to your own needs lately? Is the balance between your own wishes and expectations in the lot? Did you bend too much in a relationship?
Last but not least, this card says: Bring the magic that can be seen here to your life by designing your surroundings as nicely as possible. Constate your furniture, reduce a wall again,, Make spring cleaning! Wear a new color, preferably neon. If you had a tunnel view, it is time to step out of your routine and to spread some magic everywhere.
Capricorn: the hanged one
Saskia Diez
The hung is a map of the large Arcana and as such an important life, so its effect can extend over several weeks. Look at him, dear: It hangs on the tree of wisdom and this changes his perspective. Important to know: Although he is in an unusual position, he does not suffer. What he says is: victims are necessary. Perhaps you sacrifice your usual way of seeing things, your tried and tested method of doing things, your mode operandi, dealing with conflicts. He says: leave your comfort zone. However, this has more to do with changing your view. With the beginning of Venus' repatriation (on March 2) you have the chance to reflect on things differently.
Even if everything feels blocked: When the hung appears, everything is in motion, even if you don't feel it that way and cannot yet see it. If you feel the urge to help a situation by acting: don't do it. Wait. Allow passivity and get stuck is the motto.
Aquarius: Nine of the swords
Saskia Diez
The nine of the swords is a card that is challenging. She speaks of sleepless nights, mental overload or. Because the swords stand for thoughts, this is rather negative headwork than emotional stress. Maybe it's old topics that suddenly pop up again and don't want to let go. Now it's time to stay calm and to organize the thoughts. Often one helps hereBrain Dump, so you can unload and stay calm.
Because there is another energy that also demands your head, prefer: The declining Venus (since March 2). This aspect often brings old relationship topics or questions about self -awareness back to the surface. Maybe you can think of a stupid sentence that you said in 2014 and you wake up in cold sweat? Remember:You are not your thoughts. Even if you think about earlier connections and come up old conflicts: the declining Venus (until mid -April) is a great phase to reflect on these topics.
Because at the nine of the swords there is only one advice: throw light on the shadow. The nine of the swords asks us to confront us with our fears instead of surrendering before them. This card calls for courage, resistance and self -knowledge. Not a light food, but a great chance.
Fish: seven of the rods
Saskia Diez
Speak up, ! If you are in a competition or argument this week in which your position and values are questioned, you should defend your point of view and not give up.
The seven of the rods symbolize a phase of resistance and the challenge. You have to assert yourself either against outside pressure or inner doubts. But the seven of the sticks say: don't do anything! After all, you can fight and win. You have to be aware that resistance is often necessary to get ahead. Be brave and keep your beliefs. What helps astrologically is that Mercury will move into the ram for the next few weeks on March 4. With Mercury in the Aries, the urge for quick action and clear communication is reinforced. The thoughts are sharp and direct, which helps you to make decisions quickly and to enforce you with clear words and determination. Of course, this does not mean that you only have to argue this week that seven of the rods want you to stand for your beliefs, not for unimportant things. So be smart and also recognizeifIt is worth fighting and when you better take a different way.
Tarotdeck from Saskia Diez, available atsaskia-diez.com