Tarot horoscope from November 25th to December 1st, 2024: Mercury retrograde brings new hope for these three zodiac signs

Tarot horoscope from November 25th to December 1st, 2024: Virgos, Sagittarius and Pisces can start anew

Theis not fortune telling, but rather an assessment of your current situation and the life issues that concern you. What is important right now and what is not? The Tarot tells the stories you should hear, it reveals truths, shows connections, brings up new ideas, allows the right conclusions, shows hidden aspects of the human psyche, confronts the dark sides.

The cards never lie. And the answers lie within you – our author Danijela Pilic akaTarot Officetranslate it just for you.Tarot Officestands for modern, lifelike, intuitive tarot that shows you where you stand and what it's all about.

By the way: For a more precise picture, you can also use your cardsand yoursread.

Tarot horoscope for the week from November 25th to December 1st for each zodiac sign

In the week ofNovember 25th to December 1st, 2024can each other,andprepare for a new chapter to begin for them.

This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.

Aries: The Magician

Saskia Diez

The Magician is a card of the Major Arcana, represents the number 1 and stands for skill, originality, creativity, self-confidence, subtlety and dexterity. But the magician also stands for practice, because the success of each of his tricks is also due to years of perfecting his art.

Look at him, dear: The magician stands in front of his altar. There are four objects in front of him: a cup, a pentagram, a sword and a magic wand. Each object represents the different elements of its environment: its emotional life, its assets, its thoughts and its goals. He can move the objects however he wants. This symbolizesyourAbility to influence your external environment by using your thoughts and intentions specifically. The only thing that is advisable in a week in thewill: Concentrate on one, at most two elements. Choose them wisely. The magician is at your side.

Taurus: Five of Swords reversed

Saskia Diez

On November 25th, Mercury begins its turbulent three-week period. There can be glitches and delays in general, especially when it comes to technology and communication. The reversed Five of Swords suggests exactly what Mercury retrograde is forcing us to do: mistakes that happen can lead our attention to what we may need to rethink and revise.

The Five of Swords reversed can also mean that you have repeatedly committed to something, only to feel like it isn't really moving forward. This is also a hint: perhaps to give up. You don't have to finish everything! Mercury retrograde can also help you weed out here: Some things aren't worth it, you can give up sometimes, which doesn't lead to success. When things feel overwhelming, there's only one thing to do: take it slow and steady. The recipe is patience and consistency. Don't let yourself be unnerved or taken by surprise, dear.

Gemini: Page of Swords reversed

Saskia Diez

The Page of Swords is full of energy, passion and enthusiasm, new plans for the future - and a lot of energy for it! It stands for fast, clear communication. This is weakened and hindered by Mercury retrograde (from November 25th to December 15th). And because your Page of Swords appears reversed, you may hold back this week when it comes to sharing information, opinions and the truth, dear. If you want to hold back, follow your instincts, because under Mercury retrograde not all information is always available and not every opinion is appropriate.

The reversed Page of Swords can also represent hot air: Maybe you talk a lot and do little. Be careful with promises you can't keep or words you might regret later. Before you make a promise or commitment, make sure you can keep it.

Cancer: Page of Wands

Saskia Diez

The Page of Wands is the Page of Fire and fits perfectly into the(until December 21st). His energy is exactly what the gentleneeds now: He embodies a young, optimistic, exciting, passionate and dynamic energy. The Page of Wands encourages you to grow. He has only just begun to reach his full potential. This week he advises you two things: First, don't worry about what others think. Second, set boundaries and decide how you spend your time and energy.

Leo: Temperance reversed

Saskia Diez

Reverse temperance can be a sign of stress, tension and blockages. Life doesn't flow as easily as you would like. Look at the Temperance card: water flows between the two cups. Maybe you're dehydrated: either literally or symbolically. Try to treat your body as best as you can this week, dear.

It's also possible that you've been acting up lately. Maybe you lived in excess of food, drink, shopping, negative thought patterns, etc. Reverse Temperance is your call to return to balance and moderation now. The rule here is: reduce everything, everything in moderation. This ultimately releases tensions and blockages.

Virgo: Death

Saskia Diez

Death is the most misunderstood card in the tarot because although it looks scary, it can be one of the most positive cards. It does not represent death itself, but rather a time of significant change, transformation, transition and closure. Death is not about the end, but about endingandbeginning, deathandRebirth: This card opens the possibility of closing one door and opening another. It signals the end of an important phase.

Because it is a Major Arcana card, this indicates a longer period of time and may last until the end of this year. It's up to you, loveto visualize new possibilities. In what area of ​​your life do you want to be reborn? Which door will you close?

Libra: Two of Swords

Saskia Diez

If there is a card that is so typical-Symbolizes indecision, these are the Two of Swords, so you fit, dearand your card together perfectly, especially right at the beginning ofon November 25th. The person on the card is holding two swords at the same height, their eyes are blindfolded. She doesn't know which sword to take, which path to take - and in this case, that's completely okay.

If you are pressed for a decision this week or are stressing yourself out because you can't decide, remove the blindfold and put both swords aside. This week is not the right week to make an important (!) decision. It may even be that a third, best path will reveal itself in the near future, probably after Mercury goes direct again on December 15th.

Scorpio: Ten of Swords

Saskia Diez

If you are going through a tough time, the Ten of Swords is telling you that this is a moment in life that will pass like any other. Acknowledge that you find the situation, whatever it is, difficult, dear. That's okay. Because it is the ten, this is about an ending. In other words, be ready to start again, with a different kind of energy.

Maybe with a little less logic, but with more feeling, more fire and dynamism. This is exactly what the Sagittarius season (until December 21st) is ideal for. For now, it's enough to know that a chapter is coming to an end and something new is coming for you soon.

Sagittarius: Court reversed

Saskia Diez

Have you been feeling like you're sleepwalking through life for a while? Like you're on autopilot? The reverse dish is a wake-up call just in time for your birthday season. Reverse judgment often appears when the universe is trying to send you a message and invite you to something greater, but you are not listening. Why not? Well: autopilot, stress, and things don't work themselves out! Hm. You know that these are excuses.

Maybe you're afraid you're not ready, or you're afraid of the sacrifices you'll have to make to answer the call, or you're thinking: This is too big for me. It doesn't help: the call won't get quieter, on the contrary. You are the most philosophical of all signs and you can and should ask yourself the question: Why am I here? What do I really want to do, how do I want to live? Accept the honest answer gratefully. Follow the call. Live the way you want, dear!

Capricorn: The Hierophant

Saskia Diez

This is a little week to reinvent the wheel, the Hierophant advises you. And you probably won't want to either, dear. On the contrary: you will feel more of a desire to follow a process that is established. It also suggests that you want to follow rules that have worked well for you so far. Good this way!

Mercury retrograde is already causing all sorts of delays and obstacles, now (applies to the next three weeks) is not a good time for experiments and innovations. Rather accept the conventional boundaries. Nevertheless: Leave space for answers that suddenly come from deep within you. These could involve long-forgotten things that emerge from the past and suddenly make sense.

Aquarius: Queen of Pentacles

Saskia Diez

As a person, the Queen of Pentacles represents a generous, wealthy, feminine person who has a taste for the finer things in life. She is also loyal, balanced, organized, down-to-earth and practical. Look closely: The Queen of Pentacles sits on a throne decorated with the emblem of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, also known as Father Time. So the Queen of Pentacles also knows how to use time and patience to achieve her success. She has a good sense of the right timing. With wise foresight, she keeps an eye on the long-term project.

This week is for you, dear, especially this trait: With Pluto finally in your sign (for the next 20 years) and Mercury retrograde (from November 25th to December 15th), time could feel fluid and perhaps sluggish. Important for you this week if things go slower: be patient. Keep the long-term goal in mind.

Pisces: The Star

Saskia Diez

How wonderful! The star symbolizes the future, new hope, a clear vision and spiritual insight. The card shows a woman by a stream pouring water from two jugs into the water and onto the ground. This act of pouring represents the flow of divine energy and spiritual wisdom.

Now you are asalso in the water and in the flow. Your sign is actually going throughtwoPisces symbolizes swimming in opposite directions, representing the fish's constant dichotomy between fantasy and reality. As the last sign in the zodiac, Pisces has learned and absorbed all the lessons—the happy and the painful—of all the other signs. This week it's easy for you to live that. You can enjoy the divine flow and hear and follow the star's encouragement to connect with your higher self. If you've been feeling disconnected lately, stop now. As a moving sign, you'll suddenly feel more connected to your essence in Sagittarius season (Sagittarians are also flexible). The future and a new hope are ready for you!

Tarot horoscope for the week of November 18th to 24th for each zodiac sign

In the week ofNovember 18th to 24th, 2024are allowed toAries, Taurus, Lions and Sagittariuslook forward to happiness, clarity, optimism and the right answers.

This applies to all zodiac signsand its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.

Aries: The Empress

Saskia Diez

The ruler stands for the feminine divine power. She is Yin, she is caring, she nourishes others and herself. She is a safe space for friends, she wants you to grow together. But she is also a leader who rules with grace and warmth. What does that mean for you? This week it might be easy for you to get something going, to launch a project, to step up a gear. All the work you've done in the last few weeks (including the emotional work) is paying off. It might be easy for you to think that there is abundance everywhere and you want to spread that optimism because there is enough for everyone. You'll probably find yourself in your Empress vibe more in the second half of the week, after the sun sets on the evening of November 21sthas migrated, a fire sign like you.

Taurus: Queen of Swords

Saskia Diez

The Queen of Swords is cool, logical and sober. With its clarity and structure, it brings order to chaos. She also cares deeply about integrity and the meaning behind everything: she questions structures and rules that don't make any logical sense. She doesn't care about social pressure. This week, dear Taurus, you can put on her crown and assert yourself effortlessly. You won’t apologize for questioning something that “we’ve always done.” You have your throne, your crown and your sword - as well as your logic and your integrity. That's exactly the right attitude to celebrate Pluto's entry into the worldto celebrate. On November 19th, he moves into this futuristic air sign and will remain there for the next 19 years. This can particularly affect your career area and so it is particularly important that you live your brand with integrity and authenticity. Show everyone who you really are and don't be fobbed off with half-truths in return.

Gemini: The Tower reversed

Saskia Diez

As changeableare you actually good when it comes to change and change? You usually really thrive on it. You know: everything is constantly changing. You are with Goethe, who wrote: “Life belongs to the living, and whoever lives must be prepared for change.”

And yet something inside you is resisting this week. Maybe it's the feeling: There's so much going on, everything is changing, can't some things just stay the way they are? The inverted tower suggests that you know deep down what radical change needs to be made, but do you really already? Can't this be postponed? It may well be that from the evening of November 21st, when the sun moves into Sagittarius, you will even feel like making a change. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, like you, and the vibe will suddenly feel faster and more agile than it has in the fixed sign of the last four weeks.

Cancer: Seven of Swords reversed

Saskia Diez

If you've been feeling unlucky lately, the reversed Seven of Swords may be a sign that the tide is turning. Maybe this is a fateful encounter, a stroke of luck you didn't expect, or a coincidence that lets you get off lightly. But the Seven of Swords reversed also says that you can change your own luck.

However, you should watch out for dishonest people this week. Read between the lines and check agreements, because even vice versa, the Seven of Swords has a slightly devious and unpredictable quality.

Leo: Four of Wands

Saskia Diez

The bars are your element, dear: They represent fire, inspiration, creation, dynamism, energy. As soon as the sun moves into Sagittarius on the evening of November 21st, a fire sign like you, you could suddenly feel more at home in this world: more self-confident, happier, more lively, more exhilarating and more Leo. You might feel like celebrating, and the Four of Wands represents just that: celebrating what there is to celebrate, even if it's just life itself and Sagittarius season.

In the Tarot, the four also stands for a solid basis and a good foundation. If you don't know what to celebrate, write down all the things that keep you safe and grounded. If you want to build even more security, the shooting season (until December 21st) is exactly the right time to plan and expand your safety net for 2025.

Virgo: Ten of Wands

Saskia Diez

Everything might seem too much for you this week, dear Virgo. Maybe you have too many appointments, maybe you have too much work, maybe you can't keep up with the housework and organization, maybe you're neglecting your friends, maybe you feel divided and don't know where to start.

Take a deep breath and look closely at the Ten of Wands card, because this is the only solution: the person can no longer hold the Ten of Wands. To move on, she has to drop a few. You, dear Virgo, first have to get to everything else that pops up this week.. And not: “Sorry, I can’t do it.” But: “No, I can’t do that.” (don't be sorry.) And then you have to set priorities. What can really wait longer? Last but not least: Make sure you get enough sleep, rest, and rest breaks.

Libra: Ten of Pentacles

Saskia Diez

A very important transit takes place on November 19th: Pluto leaves, which it has been in since 2008, and moves into Aquarius, where it will remain until early 2044. Aquarius is an air sign just like you, dear. This transit represents major changes that are future-oriented.

The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes prosperity, long-term security, a happy, safe home. Having all ten coins, what would that mean to you? How can you plan for the next few years to achieve this? Think big! The Ten of Pentacles also has a pragmatic side and encourages you to evaluate your work situation in terms of its financial potential: Does it contribute to your long-term financial stability and goals? If not, what can you do to change and improve the situation?

Scorpio: Power reversed

Saskia Diez

The reversed force indicates a phase in which you doubt your courage, your inner strength and your abilities. Look at the power: the confidence and inner strength of the woman who controls the lion. The lion represents their fear, their doubt,and bad habits. But she faces the lion and these baser impulses. The infinity symbol above her head represents her constant battle with the lion. And that's exactly how it is: nobody has confidence all the time. Inner strength is something you cultivate and train daily through good decisions. Try to make one good decision every day this week, dear. And if you doubt yourself for a moment, know that it is part of the process.

Sagittarius: Eight of Wands

Saskia Diez

How wonderful, how fiery, made for everyone! On the evening of November 21st, the sun moves into your sign, dear Sagittarius. Happy Sagittarius season! This is matched by the Eight of Wands, which in the Tarot represent good news, progress, momentum and high-quality communication and information. When the Eight of Wands appears, things suddenly move quickly. Suddenly there are answers to questions. Stuck issues are released, whether it's a personal goal, information you're waiting for, or a new mindset. Let this tailwind of the universe push you forward, towards your goal and towards success. Embrace the beginning of your season as a starting point for good news and fresh energy.

Capricorn: Eight of Pentacles

Saskia Diez

Saturn, your ruling planet, has been retrograde since the end of June and has been direct again since November 15th. This week you could clearly feel the shift: finally rules, boundaries, structures again! The Eight of Pentacles complements this practical vibe and encourages you to throw yourself into work as hard as you can this week and even do what might not be as exciting. She also recommends honing your talents, getting better, practicing, not giving up and doing the workper seto enjoy.

Aquarius: Ace of Wands reversed

Saskia Diez

Wowinteresting, dear! Last week your card was the Ace of Wands and I advised you to just go for it, go for it, dare to implement a new idea, make a brand new start, seize a great new opportunity.

But it doesn't seem to be that easy, because this week the Ace of Wands appears for you again, but in reverse. Something seems to be blocking and slowing down the magic inherent in the beginning. Still, an ace is an ace (beginning and origin), and a staff is a staff (fire and creation), and you seem to be on the threshold of a great new thing. No matter, even if you doubt or lose courage for a moment: something new will begin soon. The planets also support this theory, because on November 19th Pluto enters your sign and stays there until the beginning of 2044, i.e. the next 19 years. While all signs will feel this long and generational transit, as an Aquarius you will be particularly (and particularly positively) affected by it. A new chapter begins.

Pisces: King of Swords reversed

Saskia Diez

There are two ways to read this card - as in your symbol twogives.

1. The Reversed King of Swords is another person, (can be male, perhaps someone with strong Gemini, Libra or Aquarius placements) who is almost brutal in his honesty and can certainly be cruel or manipulative. This week it would be wise to stay away from this person.

2. The Reversed King of Swords is happening within you. He asks you to question old patterns and beliefs. It can make it easy for you to let go of outdated, self-limiting thinking.

Tarot deck by Saskia Diez, available atsaskia-diez.com