Tarot Horoscope November 4th to 10th, 2024: Gemini and Aquarius should withdraw this week
Theis not fortune telling, but rather an assessment of your current situation and the life issues that concern you. What is important right now and what is not? The Tarot tells the stories you should hear, it reveals truths, shows connections, brings up new ideas, allows the right conclusions, shows hidden aspects of the human psyche, confronts the dark sides.
The cards never lie. And the answers lie within you – our author Danijela Pilic akaTarot Officetranslate it just for you.Tarot Officestands for modern, lifelike, intuitive tarot that shows you where you stand and what it's all about.
By the way: For a more precise picture, you can also use your cardsand yoursread.
Tarot horoscope for the week of November 4th to 10th for each zodiac sign
In the week ofNovember 4th to 10th, 2024should each otherGemini and Aquariusretreat and allow yourself time alone.
For all zodiac signs, the tarot and its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
For all zodiac signs, the tarot and its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: Ten of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
The Ten of Pentacles represents prosperity, long-term financial security, success in money matters, a solid financial future, and security for you, your home and the entire family. That's good news, dearif the topic of money andis busy! There could be a windfall or a great opportunity to make more money these days.
But you could also suddenly feel more capable, more dynamic and more of a doer in this area, because Mars, your ruling planet, will move from Cancer to Cancer on November 3rdhiked. In theMars is weakened; in lion, onelike you, he wants to rush forward and get things done. Take the right steps toward financial security now before Mars goes retrograde on December 5th.
Taurus: Nine of Swords reversed
Saskia Diez
This week you see the light at the end of the tunnel. When the Nine of Swords appears reversed, it suggests that a period of trouble is coming to an end. It symbolizes a way out, healing, stress relief and tells you: the worst is over and is behind you. This card reminds you that fears, worries and nightmares are not facts and that they do not define you. Very important this week, dear: Self-care. Enough, as much as possible. Positive self-talk. And last but not least: Surround yourself with people who are good for you.
Gemini: Four of Cups
Saskia Diez
You know how quickly you get bored with things, situations, people. No wonder: you are moving air, you want to go further, faster, differently, exchange ideas, be inspired - and just don't want to stay put. On the one hand, the Four of Cups says: If you don't care, you don't have to accept it. Say no until the right opportunity comes along.
But: You don't have to be overly bored either. Sometimes you can just have no opinion and be emotionally neutral instead of enthusiasticorbored, dear. There are shades of gray that are not so bad for your own energy reserves.
If a decision is coming up: This week it's probably wise to give yourself more time before making a move. Think carefully about your options and your approach. Withdraw. Time alone can be really good for you this week.
Cancer: Five of Wands
Saskia Diez
Sometimes, it's better to be more empathetic, you take the path of least resistance and are surprised that nothing changes. But you have to initiate some changes yourself, and it helps to trigger a conflict, speak up about something, contradict someone in order to achieve something.
The Five of Wands represents competition, struggle, opposition, conflict, change, power struggle, assertiveness. This can be a bit aggressive, but also playful and creative. It involves rivalry, so prevail, fight for yourself and defend your turf. This could give you a boost of newfound confidence after a fight, no matter how small. The planets also say: Fight! Especially Mars, which left your sign on November 3rd and is now in Leo. Here he is in a better position for assertiveness and gives your cardinal water the necessary bit of fire.
Leo: Eight of Pentacles reversed
Saskia Diez
The upright Eight of Pentacles represents hard work, “practice makes perfect”, diligence, perseverance, attention to detail. In your case, dear, it appears inverted. Maybe the drudgery part of the job annoys you. Maybe you're feeling lazy. Maybe you're not giving it your all and you're being careless. Maybe, as the Eight of Pentacles suggests, you're wondering whether your work is even worth it. In any case, this week you're thinking about whethermight. Remember: In every job there are times that aren't great, that's normal and you have to accept it. But it may also be that you and your job no longer fit together.
The Eight of Pentacles reversed reminds you not to confuse your work with your identity. If you identify too much with your own livelihood, you run the risk of completely losing yourself to your work. This week, try to take a step back and think about what your work means to you, how much life energy you put into it - and whether you have the right job.
Virgo: Ace of Wands reversed
Saskia Diez
Sometimes you forget how many opportunities are available to you if you would just pursue them. The reversed Ace of Wands is still an Ace, it is a spark that doesn't quite ignite, a great idea that you don't dare to implement, an intuition that you don't want to believe.
This ace says: Believe me, love. Just do it. Don't forget the idea. If you don't know where to start, if you're wondering what the next step should be, you could be wasting an opportunity. Don't make it too complicated. Just start! The first step comes first.
Libra: Temperance
Saskia Diez
How are your stress levels, dear? Is everything in order? Is there a good balance in your life? If so: wonderful. If not, temperance asks you to take time and honestly ask yourself what you really need right now: more of what, and less of what? Pay attention to your emotional and especially your physical needs. How can you achieve balance and inner harmony? What can you do to break free from behaviors and thought patterns that are holding you back? See this as a fantastic opportunity for positive personal transformation.
Scorpio: Six of Wands
Saskia Diez
The Six of Wands signals success, victory and fame. The man on the card is at the center of a victory procession. He is celebrated by those around him because he won and his regal, confident demeanor shows that he is completely comfortable with it. He's not arrogant, but he also has no problem putting on a show.
And that's what this week is all about for you, dear: The Six of Wands suggests that you will achieve great success - and you should celebrate it. It's about recognizing your talents and your uniqueness and being proud of it, without being afraid to show off, without being artificially small and without diminishing what you've achieved and what you're capable of in any way so that others can don't feel bad. Celebrate yourself and let yourself be celebrated!
Sagittarius: Nine of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
Venus is in your sign this week, dear, before moving into Capricorn on November 11th. Not only is it the planet of love and beauty, no, it also rules money. It could be that your focus is on the latter, the Nine of Pentacles speaks for this - and it only promises good things. The Nine of Pentacles represents luxury, “treat yourself,” and the sweet fruits after hard work. You've earned it. But it can also indicate that you should also plan and think about how youcan put back. Maybe you feel the desire to create more security for yourself. This will be easier for you to implement from November 11th, when Venus moves into Capricorn. But the desire is the first and so important spark for this.
Last but not least: If you're worried about your finances, the Nine of Pentacles says that everything will work out. Even if you don't have a plan yet, you will find a solution.
Capricorn: Two of Cups reversed
Saskia Diez
The Two of Cups is the ultimate love card. But when it appears the other way around, it can indicate misunderstandings between lovers (or those who want to be).
Communication can be impaired or blocked and the flow between two people inhibited. But a few honest sentences are enough to get this out of the way.
The Reversed Two of Cups advises: Keep your ego in check, dear. Let go of your pride, your need to be right or even have the last word. Don't just talk, listen too. And: Don't argue over little things. After all, this is about two full cups of love, on equal terms.
Aquarius: Three of Cups reversed
Saskia Diez
Maybe you've been around too many people in the last few weeks, dear. Or maybe it just feels that way. You are a symbol that stands for the community like no other, but for groups and society as a fixed oneyou also need your breaks: just your mind and you. This is what the reversed Three of Cups advises you: Spend as much time alone with yourself as possible this week. It may also turn out that a friendship is no longer beneficial or even turns out to beturns out.
Just before Pluto moves into your sign on November 19th for the next 19 years, dear Aquarius, gather your thoughts and your inner strength. For this you need your peace. Enjoy the silence.
Pisces: Queen of Wands
Saskia Diez
This week is about your appearance in the world and your self-confidence. Behold the Queen of Wands, Guardian of the Flame. She is strong, brave, passionate, intense and confident. When she appears as your card, she may represent a different person, but I think this week you are being asked to embody her characteristics.
Maybe it will help you to know that she wasn't always so strong and that she too had to overcome her fear of what others thought of her. But now, with her staff and her crown on her throne, let the others think what they want. You can't please everyone anyway, and especially not by bending over backwards. Be yourself, dear. This is a hard lesson, and it requires many lessons. The key to this is, and the Queen of Wands encourages you, to recognize and learn to love your dark side. Even if you want to protect and hide this part of yourself: accept it. You are the keeper of your fire!
Tarot horoscope for the week from October 28th to November 3rd for each zodiac sign
In the week ofOctober 28th to November 3rd, 2024can above allCancers, Leos and Virgoslooking forward to a real new beginning.
For all zodiac signs, the tarot and its symbolic language, taking astrological aspects into account, helps to create access to one's own inner truth and to reveal which topics are important.
Aries: Knight of Swords
Saskia Diez
Your message this week, dear: Keep going. Even if you find yourself in the middle of a difficult situation or stressful time, don't give up. Stay focused on your goal and persevere. Now is the time to act, not to think. Don't be afraid to demonstrate your own strength. A dash of aggression doesn't have to be negative, on the contrary.
If you have to, fight for what's right. Defend your point of view. If that means confronting someone or bringing something up: Do it bluntly. If you don't feel the Knight of Swords' bold mode right at the start of the week, wait until Mercury enters on November 2ndwanders, (alike you) and it should be easier for you. But don't put it off: now is the time to act and to speak.
Taurus: The Lovers
Saskia Diez
The Lovers Card is a card from the Major Arcana and represents an important passage. Venus is currently in the sign of Sagittarius, and here the planet of love can be authentic, spontaneous, transparent, flirty and surprise us in love matters.
ForThe following applies to relationships this week: Try to see your partner with new, newly in love eyes. Remember how you met. Celebrate your anniversary spontaneously, even if it's not this week. Give him:her a gift. You have the opportunity to deepen your love when you care for her.
For single Taurus or those inapplies: Great love exists. Even if you can't see her yet, even if she isn't in your life yet, the lovers suggest that this could happen soon. It is important to be at eye level. So often do you worry about how the other person thinks of you that you forget to ask yourself:(And liking is something completely different thanbe. In order for a relationship to work, you have to be the other personlike.) Is this good enough for me? Look at the card, dear single Taurus/Taurus in situationship: the lovers are on equal terms. You deserve nothing less than this.
Gemini: Eight of Swords
Saskia Diez
Normally, the Eight of Swords represents the mental prison that you have built for yourself and from which you can free yourself using your thoughts. In your case, dear, I interpret the Eight of Swords this week more as advice and it says: Don't move. Don't fight. Don't act. Just wait and see. This is not the time for any kind of movement. I also feel that the card is telling you: You are not as stuck as you think. Things will continue soon. This week, however, avoid action. You can't see clearly what you should do right now. Give yourself time to think about the next step and the entire journey. It may well be that the full moon on November 15th will bring you great clarity.
Cancer: Knight of Wands
Saskia Diez
What great, fiery, energetic, do-it-yourself energy for you, dear! Over the past few weeks, your cards have pointed to a difficult situation filled with sadness and regret. But now you might feel like it's all over. Like the Knight of Wands, you want to move forward, do and achieve quickly! TheNovember 1st could give you an extra boost for a transformative new beginning. You could use your power to do research, get information and solve problems - all with enthusiasm and creativity.
Leo: The fool
Saskia Diez
How great! The journey of the Tarot begins with the Fool, he is card zero. Everything from the beginning, with optimism, joy, hope and the very special magic that only a beginning has. Something great and new is starting this week, and you may well feel it on November 3rd. On this day, Mars moves into your sign, dear. Mars is the planet of action, aggression, sex and doing. And just as the fool just jumps into the world, without fear, without worries, without worrying about what will go wrong, you will feel so full of initial magic action in a certain area.
By the way: The little dog is not shown on this map for nothing. It may well be that someone who is very loyal will stand by your side and give you a hand.
Virgo: Page of Wands
Saskia Diez
If you've been frustrated by a situation in the last few weeks, if you've felt blocked or like nothing is moving forward, the Page of Wands brings good news, dear. It is the opportunity for a mental change in perspective, which could take place within you, especially around the new moon on November 1st. The Page of Wands represents youthful optimism, but also clarity, especially when it comes to sending and/or receiving information. You will suddenly feel and radiate more clarity, more self-confidence and more enthusiasm - and you will be like a magnet because other people will feel it.
Libra: King of Cups reversed
Saskia Diez
The upright King of Cups is surrounded by water, and water represents feelings in the Tarot. The king sits on a solid stone platform, unaffected by the swirling waves around him, which means that in situations that provoke strong emotional reactions, he remains centered. The Reversed King of Cups suggests increased emotional turmoil, a possible imbalance, or even a need for greater emotional control.
Advice for you this week, dear: stay calm. The Reversed King of Cups is an admonition not to be guided by emotions, but rather to process them with introspection. It's completely normal to experience intense feelings, but that doesn't mean you have to react to every feeling! Observe your feelings, acknowledge them, and then let them move on.
Scorpio: Page of Cups
Saskia Diez
We're in the middle of your season, dear. The sun is in your sign, and there's a great new moon on November 1st, also in Scorpio. Like every new moon, this one offers an ideal time for a new beginning, and the Page of Cups indicates what energy awaits you: an open, trusting, in love with life, young, playful, happy one!
Because the sun is in your sign, you may find yourself immersed in your inner world more than usual, but this only has positive sides: the Page of Cups is at your side, takes your soul's wishes seriously, and holds his cup to you and says: You are on exactly the right path. Trust it! Everything will be fine, and even better in the future.
Sagittarius: The ruler
Saskia Diez
Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 2nd, Venus has been in your sign since October 17th, and you, dear, you are completely in your element. No wonder you feel like the ruler. Take advantage of this great, decisive, focused boss energy, especially around the new moon on November 1st. You can now initiate fundamental changes, especially when it comes to everything organizational and the structures and processes in your life. What are you wasting too much time on? Get rid of it! Which energy vampire stresses you out? You'll be able to say no to them easily this week. It's now about itdirruns and that itdirgoes well, and you will make all decisions without getting caught up in explanations that serve your best interests.
Capricorn: Three of Pentacles
Saskia Diez
Often you work best alone, rather: concentrated, consistent, focused, not dependent on the whims and failures of others. But this week the key to success lies in teamwork! Especially if you've been stuck in a situation for a long time: ask your colleagues, friends, mothers, fathers, nieces, nephews! Listen to them. You haven't finished learning yet and you don't know everything better.Teamwork makes the dream work.
Aquarius: The Tower
Saskia Diez
The tower represents structures that are dissolving, a shift in the matrix, old beliefs that are being questioned and questioned. There may be an event this week that feels like the rug is being ripped out from under you. This doesn't have to come from outside, it can also be an internal event.
Life is full of towering moments. Don't try to resist it, because the change that is coming is coming - and it is necessary, dear. Don't try to close your eyes to it, on the contrary: be present. When life presents you with crumbling structures and towering moments, all you can do is be in the moment. There is even a strange kind of beauty in this deconstruction. Everything is about to change, and when it is over and the dust settles, peace and enlightenment will come. You can start over again. What will you do next?
Pisces: Power reversed
Saskia Diez
When the force appears in reverse form, it usually comes at a time when you begin to doubt your courage, inner strength and abilities. Let's look at the woman in this Major Arcana card: she doesn't have great physical strength, but she exudes confidence and inner strength. Her strength is something she has cultivated over time by continually confronting and overcoming her weaknesses.
Reversed power can indicate that you are being too hard on yourself in your pursuit of self-improvement and self-optimization. Let's look again at the woman with the lion: she makes gentle self-corrections. This is not about large demonstrations of power, but rather about small, loving, self-directed adjustments in the form of good decisions. True strength is not a one-time achievement, but a daily routine that becomes easier with time and practice. Message to you, dear: Be patient, celebrate small successes, don't be too hard on yourself. Be extra kind to yourself this week.
Tarot deck by Saskia Diez, available atsaskia-diez.com