Toxic masculinity: This is why outdated role models harm womenandmen
happily tweets about “Low T Men” on his platform X and shares posts like this and women “scientifically”unable to think critically. Mark Zuckerberg calls for morepromote in the workplace. And both of them - two of the richest and most influential men in the world, by the way - seem to be best bros to the man whohas just made life a lot harder: President Donald Trump. Since the inauguration of the president, the term “toxic masculinity” on everyone’s lips.
When it comes to the topic of masculinity, things tend to get emotional in recent years. Because structures that have kept patriarchy alive as a system of oppression for centuries are being actively questioned in the pursuit of gender equality. And that tootraditional male role model, to which thatSelf-image of superiorityis tied. Girls and women in particular suffer from this. However, it is important to understand that among theseeveryone suffers – including men.
What does toxic masculinity mean?
Different than it, for exampleTo portray toxic masculinity does not logically mean that all men are inherently bad. The term only refers to learned and socially promoted questionable characteristics that are taught to boys in the sense of the classic role model. This includes, among other things, the view that men are always in control and have to be tough and aloof to do so. They are not allowed to show any emotions other than anger and aggression, are not allowed to communicate and have to assert themselves, if necessary
This violence is mainly, but not only, directed against women. Likewise, men who do not embody attributes of toxic masculinity and people who are viewed as “soft” or “different” can become victims. Toxic masculinity is directed equally against queer people and results not only in misogyny, but also inand.
Toxic masculinity is based on a concrete idea of what strength and weakness mean. Accordingly, anything that is viewed as classically feminine is seen as a weakness. For this reason, men who have internalized characteristics of toxic masculinity actively distance themselves from women. This goes so far that women, their interests and the reality of their lives are ridiculed, belittled and even viewed as inferior. This is reflected, for example, in common insults:“You throw/run/act like a girl”;“Don’t be such a pussy”;“My sister would do it better”;“Are you on your period?”
On the other hand, everything that is classified as male in the sense of the classic role model is equated with strength. That is why men are above women in the patriarchal social order.
How does toxic masculinity manifest itself?
As mentioned above, toxic masculinity is reflected in certain behaviors and thought patterns. Unfortunately, because boys, compared to girls, are still too often not taught to express their emotions and find a healthy outlet for them, some men continue to suppress their feelings in adulthood.
At some point this can manifest itself in aggressive behavior and outbursts of anger. Yelling, punching walls and banging on tables are just harmless forms of expression. However, this aggression is often directed against supposedly weaker people, such as one's own partner or one's own children. Violence is seen as a legitimate means of solving problems.
This includes sexual violence. Assault, crossing boundaries and sexually aggressive behavior are intended to express superiority and power. In the, the epitome of toxic masculinity, sexual assault and rape are promoted as an effective way to “put women in their place” and remind them of their “place.”
In addition, there is an excessive sense of competition when it comes to other men, the rejection of all “feminine” characteristics and the claim to always be in control, even when that is not the case.