Gym etiquette: 10 gym etiquettes to ensure everyone has a good time while exercising

Gym etiquette: 10 behaviors in the gym that ensure thatallhave a good time playing sports

It's that time again: New year, new happiness,. In January everyone starts the new year full of power and highly motivated. If you don't believe that, you should stop by the gym at the beginning of January. Because in no other month are the devices so hotly contested. Who the gym betweenIf you've rarely seen the Christmas mood and stress in the past few months, but now want to get started, you've come to the right place. Because we have already arrived in the ultimate fitness month of the year. That's why it's high time we remember how to behave considerately towards others in the gym so that everyone has a good time. As a small reminder, here is the gym etiquette, which (actually) applies universally in all fitness studios:

1. Tip for gym etiquette: Train in fresh clothes

Actually, what’s coming now clearly falls into the “self-evident” category. For the sake of completeness, it must at least be mentioned in our gym etiquette. Sports clothing is often made of synthetic materials - and after wearing them once while doing sports, they start to smell. That's why you should always wear fresh clothes when you go to the gym.There are special sports detergents and hygiene rinses that eliminate all bacteria even at low temperatures.

2nd tip for gym etiquette: Avoid beauty procedures in wet areas

Personal care is an absolute must, especially after exercise. But anything that goes beyond the classic shower and care routine, from shower gel to body lotion, has no place in the studio. This primarily includes:in wet areas, which is unhygienic and also clogs the drains. Definitely a procedure for your own bathroom. The same applies to eyebrow plucking, peeling with gloves and removing calluses.

3. Tip for gym etiquette: Always tidy up the equipment

Where is the three kilo dumbbell again? Oh, the guy back there left it in the corner! Does it sound familiar and gets you excited every time? Rightly so! Studio etiquette definitely includes cleaning up used inventory. And yes, that applies to all utensils, from dumbbells to Z-bars. Also not a good idea: temporarily storing equipment such as dumbbells on shelves. Here they could fall and injure people. It is better to lie on the floor during breaks.

4. Tip for gym etiquette: Bring a towel

This tip is not only for others, but also for yourself. Mats and equipment are for everyone. But it is precisely through frequent contact that countless germs spread on them. That's why it's important to always bring a fresh (!) towel with you and place it on the mat or device. This means less sweat gets on the device and you also have protection if the previous person was careless. A sufficiently large (!) towel is also mandatory in the sauna. The motto here is: “No sweat on wood!”

5. Tip for gym etiquette: Don't judge!

Look how my biceps are burning! The gym is often about being seen and showing off your performance. But of course no one quietly sees the exercise and the horrendous effort. That's why many people like to accompany their exercise with loud moans. Neighbors are sometimes more disturbed than impressed by this. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that strong exhalation and groaning in a sporting sense concentrates all your strength and increases performance. Therefore don't judge! Groaning can also be beneficial in strength training. If you train really hard, you should read the room. If no one seems to mind, you can carry on for the sake of your strength.

6. Tip for gym etiquette: Don't bring glass bottles

Many studios ban glass bottles because they break and visitors could injure themselves on the shards. If there are bans, it is best to use reusable plastic or aluminum bottles. Another alternative: the new multi-purpose glass bottles with silicone sleeves (e.g. from Bevivid). Firstly, they can hardly break thanks to the protection, secondly, they are easy to clean, and thirdly, the water does not take on any plastic or aluminum taste.

7. Tip for gym etiquette: Come to class on time

Everyone sometimes experiences the situation where they miss the train, forget the key or have a chat in the changing room. But that in no way excuses being late for the course. After all, you don't want to while relaxingBeing disturbed by squeaking doors and stomping noises during yoga, right? The only exception to this is when disrupting is allowed: when the child care comes in and the child needs one.

8. Tip for gym etiquette: Wear clean shoes

Unfortunately, it is still the case: walking barefoot is compulsory in many courses, especially in yoga or Pilates. It is questionable whether this is hygienic. What's even more annoying, however, are trainees who come to the studio in their muddy street shoes and spread the dirt all over the course room. This dirt not only ends up on many people's bare feet, but also on their hands, mats, towels, equipment and clean studio shoes.

9. Tip for gym etiquette: Please do not block any devices

We're not here at the pool in Mallorca! Sometimes you might think that in the studio. Especially when some candidates store their utensils on the devices in order to “reserve” them. But in the studio the rule clearly applies: If you are not training on the equipment, you have to clear it for others. But: This does not apply to short breaks between sentences if you continue training on the same device.

10. Tip for gym etiquette: Avoid smartphone disruptions

Smartphones in the studio? They are allowed, no question. After all, we don't want to be without our favorite podcast or a motivating playlist while training. But we prefer to go outside to make phone calls, otherwise it will disturb our fellow activists. The same applies to loud ringtones. By the way, the smartphone has no place in the classroom. A much better way to switch off is to simply switch off!