Real love: These 15 signs will tell you whether it is true love
In, novels andit is shown to us: the great,real love. This kind of love survives all the dramatic complications of life and ultimately brings two people together in a happy ending. And these people are (usually) sure that it isis. But how can you even tell whether it is real love and not just the beautiful feeling of being in love?
Unconscious actions reveal our feelings
“Love is not about looking at each other, but about looking together in the same direction.” The French writerAntoine de Saint-ExuperyWith his words he explains the difference between liking and loving. But what exactly does he mean by that?
This looking at each other that Antoine de Saint-Exupery speaks of shapes the first phase of a relationship. We see our counterpart through rose-colored glasses, which neatly sand down his/her rough edges. That makes him:she naturally extremely attractive to us? at least in the short term. Only when we are after the rush of emotionsIf we still like to look at our partner, we can start looking in the same direction with him/her. And then over time, infatuation can develop into real love.
But no one can tell us when that time will come. In a relationship, we have to find out for ourselves whether our feelings are real love and whether we want to invest feelings and time in this relationship.
15 signs of real love
Of course, this is not a “guide” that looks exactly the same for everyone. The beauty of love is that it cannot be clearly defined. There are somethat don't fit 100% into this list? Polyamory, an open relationship, platonic relationships? That doesn't mean that these forms of love aren't ?real? are. Does that just mean that this list can't be the same for everyone? and that's okay too. Take what you can use from this list and let your feelings guide you
1. Him: You can't get her out of your head
Whether in the morning after getting up, whenorder, buy dog food? he:she finds himself in your thoughts at the most unlikely times. Especially when something nice happens to you, you want to tell that person first.
2. Countless shared (happy) photos on your smartphone
Snapshots from together, proud photos at family celebrations? always with a smile on your lips? run through your entire photo gallery. Not just selfies, but also small moments: a sunset, breakfast or a visit to an exhibition together.
3. You understand each other almost wordlessly
You know exactly what this or that, which means furrowing your forehead or gesturing wildly with your hands. When you're out and about together, a single glance is enough to communicate how you feel about something.
4. You trust each other implicitly
You'll see each other for a few hours, maybe even a few days, right? If the alarm bells don't ring immediately for you and...everything is fine because you both trust each other.
5. Buying gifts is not an unsolvable problem for you?
... simply because you know that it's all about the gesture. And if you two just didn't have time to buy each other incredibly romantic gifts before Christmas, then that's okay for both of you.
6. You fall in love all over again
Sometimes when you see him:her in a quiet moment, for example when he:she has fallen asleep on the couch with his mouth open or spilled coffee on himself in the morning, then you immediately fall in love again. Love fades with time? You can't understand where the saying comes from.
7. ?What do you like on your burger??
Is this question unnecessary? he:she knows full well that you don't want tomatoes on your burger. In the café he asks you again because you always change your mind and want to try new things? but at family gatherings he:she knows whether you like milk and/or sugar in your coffee.
8. Favorite series
Common-Evenings are your passion? Then you know exactly which oneor what kind of films he:she likes. You are also willing (at least sometimes) to put your wishes aside and let him:her choose the series of the evening. Or you know that he:she doesn't like watching series at all and prefers to play video games in the evening. Either way, you know how he:she wants to spend evenings.
9. You stand up for each other
In theA topic of conversation comes up in which you unintentionally become the center of attention. After a meaningful look, your partner steers the conversation in a different direction? because he:she knows you and knows how you feel about it.
10. You can say “I love you” even without words. say
Every relationship speaks differently? ?Love Language? this is also called because ?I love you? is not just expressed through words. In some relationships it is words of appreciation, sometimes gifts and in others it is physical closeness. Even if you don't have the same ?Love Language? When you speak, you know exactly what your partner needs and how he or she says it.
11. You like to think about your future together
Looking into the future may be scary for some, but you are completely relaxed about the topic and even enjoy planning for the long term. Common-,- or other plans you look forward to with joy.
12. You tell each other when you're feeling bad
Secretiveness is a foreign word for you. You know that you can always turn to your partner if something is on your mind? and you know it's the same the other way around.
13. You don't always agree? and that's okay
Arguing, doubting, being annoyed? all of this is completely normal in a relationship. It is important that in the event of onenot immediately get into a crisis. Differences of opinion are an essential part of every relationship and show that you both have a mind of your own, represent your points of view and are open to discussions.
14. You know how important friendship is
You actually had an appointment for today, but one of your friends needs you spontaneously? Both you and him: they accept this as a matter of course. They are just as important as the romantic relationship.
15. You two can make each other laugh
Anytime. Do you know how to cheer him up after a long, tiring day? and vice versa. He:she knows how to make you laugh when you feel like crying.That is love.
This is what true love is based on
After the concrete signs that you can look for in yourself or your partner, now come abstract concepts that represent the basis of true love. These cornerstones of a good relationship should be worked on continuously so that true love lasts. Because just because you realize that it is real love doesn't mean that it will last forever.
Pay attention to these key points in your relationship: