This is how the trendy Hair Oiling succeeds - according to the expert

To get a fuller crest, we can easily help - and best with Hair Oiling, as hair care expert Dilan Bryant explained in detail. Of course, we want to share the newly gained knowledge with you.

On social media, we always encounter various rituals for great skin and beautiful hair. In recent years, a method has become increasingly popular and popular: Hair Oiling, which should give us a full mane including a fresh shine. As we all know, a healthy scalp is the be -all and end -all for a magnificent mane and this is exactly what the hair oiling is aimed at. Anyone who believes that oil treatment brings oily strands is wrong, because the opposite is the case.

Hair care expert Dilan Bryant vonCosthetichas asked our questions about Hair Oiling. First of all: Who is the hair care routine best for?"Hair Oiling is really suitable for everyone, but especially benefit from this with psoriasis, rapidly fatty scalp and, because the cause is often an unhealthy scalp that is not supplied with sufficient moisture ", explains the expert, which also makes it clear that Hair Oiling is perfect to strengthen thin hair in the long term and visible. Hair expert Dilan Bryant also revealed us exactly how the popular method works and what there is to consider.

How exactly does Hair Oiling work and what does the popular method do?

Hair Oiling is a moisture -giving care for the scalp. Regular care of the scalp promotes growth and strengthens the hair roots.

Haarexpertin Dilan Bryant

But that was not everything Hair Oiling offers our hair:"In addition, it helps regulate the sebaceous glands and mitigates irritation on the scalp, which seems preventive against a rapid fat scalp. I always like to compare this with flowers if you only get a plant wet on the flowers.So Dilan Bryant - what a nice comparison!

According to the expert: This mistake in the Hair Oiling should be avoided

So that the Hair Oiling causes the desired results, it is of course important to the correct application. The expert has informed us of what to consider:"At the Hair Oiling, the following applies: a lot does not always help. An oil cure is enough1-2 times a weekout of. Personally, I advise you to let the oil cures work overnight, as it can clog the skin pores and lead to irritation on the scalp. Choosing the oil is also very important. Oils with silicones, perfume and mineral oils should be avoided. Then the oil should also be put directly on the scalp and massaged. Even too tight hairstyles in the exposure time are not good in the long run. "Our interest is definitely awakened and we are guaranteed to try the Hair Oiling for a full mane ...