The first Christmas with baby: 9 tips for a relaxed holiday

The first Christmas with a baby is always very special. So that it doesn't turn into unnecessary stress, we have put together some tips for the holidays.

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Christmas should be a time of coziness, relaxation and family. However, anyone who has a small baby knows that not everything can be planned with an infant. The first Christmas with a baby is something very special. A very special challenge.

I also faced the challenge two years ago with my 1-month-old baby. For me, Christmas always had to be perfect. The house had to be decorated at the beginning of December, the tree was allowed into the house early and Christmas Eve was perfectly organized.

I quickly realized that this was no longer possible with a baby. My priorities were simply elsewhere and that was a good thing.

So that the Christmas spirit is not completely lost, we have put together 9 tips to help you get through the holidays in a relaxed manner with your baby.

1. Don't plan too much

Even if Christmas has to be perfect for you, you shouldn't plan too much for the first year with a baby. Instead of baking cookies or spending hours decorating the apartment, your newborn needs you a lot more.

So I'm planning an XS version of Christmas this year. Everything is just one size smaller. You see, the celebration is a highlight, because the focus is actually on your baby's first year anyway. And it doesn't matter to them how your home is decorated or whether you baked cookies yourself or bought them.

It's better to stay relaxed and in a good mood. The newborn enjoys this much more.

2. Have enough baby supplies at home

I know, shopping before Christmas is a disaster. And running out of diapers during the holidays is terrible. So make sure you have enough diapers, wipes and pre-milk (if you're not breastfeeding) at home for the holidays. This will save you a lot of stress.

3. Adapt the Christmas tree to the situation

If your baby can crawl on his first Christmas, you should equip the Christmas tree with plastic balls. Otherwise it can happen that some things break. Or hang and decorate everything one floor higher so that your baby can't even get to the Christmas decorations. This way nothing will break and you will create a safe environment for your little ones.

Insider tip:We quickly decided to purchase an artificial Christmas tree (here e.g. E.g. shop on Amazon*). This one doesn't lose any needles when the little ones shake the branches.

4. Avoid long journeys

Of course, family is the focus at Christmas. But for your baby's first Christmas, you should avoid long car journeys as much as possible (especially if they are still very young). This means additional stress and planning effort for your newborn and also for you. If you want to avoid this, you should invite people to visit you.

5. Don't give away too much

Presents are part of Christmas. But with the little ones, especially when they are so young, you shouldn't overdo it. They are often showered with gifts by grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles. However, babies are less interested in this.

If a lot of presents end up under the Christmas tree, you shouldn't overwhelm your little ones. Don't let them open everything at once, but spread the gifts out over several days and let them open the gifts little by little.

Insider tip:It's better to choose meaningful gifts and avoid the flood of XXL gifts. Talk about it with your relatives so that too much is not given away.

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6. Get help and accept help

You don't have to prepare everything alone for your first Christmas with a baby. Allow yourself to be helped and accept help if it is offered to you. You don't have to be ashamed or have a bad conscience about it. Your child will be happy to be able to spend more time with mom and dad during the holidays.

7. Lower your expectations. It doesn't have to be perfect

Simply lower your own expectations. Above all, not everything can and does not have to be perfect with a baby. The little one doesn't mind whether the house is decorated or everything is clean.

Make yourself as comfortable as you can and as much as you have the time for. Because no one can give you back the time you spent with your baby.

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8. Stay flexible

Just let Christmas come to you and don't take on too much. Try to stay flexible and plan regular breaks. You should avoid having fixed meal times, because the time is usually not right.

Even if your child doesn't want to sleep at the usual time, don't stress about it. At Christmas everything can be a little different and more relaxed.

9. Make the celebration your celebration and not a celebration for others

Christmas should be a family celebration. The most important thing about the holidays is that you feel good as a family. You have to think your apartment is nice, you can decide what you would like to eat and you can also decide whether you would like to have visitors and who should come.

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