When children get older: why we don't have to mourn the baby years

When children get older, we often mourn the baby years. But older children also have their advantages. Which, let's tell you.

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A little transfigured we like to look back on how cute our children were. We focus primarily on the beautiful sides, such as the first attempts at crawling, the first mom or dad and also their first attempts at walking.

Then we wished we could turn the time back a bit and be again parents of babies. Is of course nonsense because we know that it doesn't work. And even greater nonsense, because older children also have advantages. And they are not too scarce. We'll tell you what gets better the older the children get.

1. Finally sleep again!

Parents of small children suffer from a lack of sleep. As cute and golden it is when the small cold feet slide under the ceiling at night when the children are so big that they sleep all alone and without interruption in their own room, this is a blessing for tired parents.

And if you are even so big that you don't call Mama and Papa the next morning before sunrise, it's just great. You can really look forward to that.

2. Again more free time

At some point the day comes when you only see the child at the dining table. And sometimes not even there. Suddenly you have so much time. For themselves, your own hobbies, books, films, the garden ...

3. The children become independent

It is something wonderful when you see as a mom and dad that you are needed. For nobody in the world, worried and you prefer to do things than for your own child. But it is almost even more beautiful or more satisfying how to become self -employed people from the small children in need. Suddenly they go to school alone and meet friends. As a parents, you then know that you did your job well.

4. better communication

First you long for the child's first word, after which you wish you sometimes to turn off the little ribs. But actually it is nice when the children can share wishes and thoughts with you. It is also nice that the little ones understand with increasing age that mom and dad sometimes have wishes and then respect them.

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5. The jokes get better

When children start telling jokes, it's very cute, but you can't laugh about it yet. But the older you get, the better the jokes.

6. Finally other games

It is of course cute when small children still don't have enough even after the 100th round of Maumau and demand another game. But it is a little more fun to solve strategy and puzzle games together with his larger children or to throw the streets and hotels around the ears for hours at Monopoly.

7. Much more understanding and compassion

For young children, the world is only around them. Older children develop empathy and compassion and it is wonderful to be able to watch them. Suddenly they help their little siblings instead of constantly entering the competition. They show sympathy and cry with a sad film scene of their hero and they show understanding when mom and dad or other people in their area are not in a good mood.

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8. Independent trips

Traveling with children, especially if they are still small, can be exhausting. For everyone packs, survive the ride or the flight and the leisure program is based primarily on the youngest.

But the older children become, the more interest they show for a holiday destination. They run through a strange city for hours and discover other cultures and countries full of curiosity and joy. They are open to culinary excursions and plunge together with one in all sorts of adventures.

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