Parenting: What parents of happy children do differently

We all want happy children. Fortunately, we can achieve a lot with small things. We'll tell you what parents of happy children do differently.

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Anyone who has children knows how much they can turn life upside down. They mess everything up and yet you don't want to be without them anymore. There is an infinite love that was never known before. All you want in the world is to make your child happy.

But the way to get there also leads through happy parents. Because only when mom and dad are happy can the children also be happy. But how does this work? How can we raise happy children without leaving ourselves out?

We introduce you to seven parenting aids that can help. Luckily, the little things are usually enough.

1. Parents of happy children give them security

Give your children security by raising them so that they can come to you at any time with all their problems. Show them that you are there for them – no matter the time.

2. Parents of happy children don't take themselves too seriously

Life is difficult sometimes. But you also have to approach certain things in a relaxed manner. Don't take yourself too seriously and just let something happen to you. Not everything has to be perfect. Allow for mistakes and show your children that it is human.

3. Parents of happy children talk to them at eye level

When raising children, it is important to talk to children at eye level. And literally. In stressful situations or even atIt can help if you as a parent sit down and really talk to your little ones face to face. This way they feel taken seriously.

4. Parents of happy children take time for themselves

As a parent, you are not just mom and dad. You remain a couple and as individuals you can also take time for yourself. Because only if the parents are satisfied and balanced can they pass this on to their children.

5. Parents of happy children give them space

Of course we want to protect our children and preferably be around them 24 hours a day. But children need space. Let them try things, be curious and trust them. This is the only way they will become self-confident adults who can assess their own limits.

6. Parents of happy children show feelings and admit them

Just as children express their emotions uncontrollably, so should we as adults. It's ok to be sad or angry sometimes. In this way, the little ones learn to know their own emotional world better and to let these feelings out and not bottle them up.

7. Parents of happy children allow for mistakes

No person is perfect. Regardless of whether you are a child or an adult. Allow for mistakes and try to learn from them. The kids can also learn from you how you deal with mistakes. Because mistakes happen and you can grow from them. So be a role model for your little ones.

Further reading tips: