With these tips you can strengthen your immune system


Wind, cold and sick people are a challenge for our immune system.
Our defenses have to work particularly hard, especially in the cold season. We come into contact with bacteria and viruses all the time, whether by shaking hands or touching surfaces like doorknobs and handles. Added to this is the constant exposure to cold, wind and dry heating air.

So it's no wonder that runny noses, coughs and...often plague us. OneAlthough it cannot always be prevented, many illnesses progress milder and more quickly with a strong immune system.

The tasks of the immune system

Our immune system can be weakened by various factors - often it's small things in everyday life. Unhealthy diet, stress and lack of sleep are among the most common causes. The good news: With a few simple measures you can support your immune system and get through the cold season stronger.

You can find out SOS tips if you get caught here:

Did you know?
If you have allergies orThe immune system reacts to actually harmless substances, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

Tips for strengthening the immune system

1. Balanced diet

A healthy diet is essential for a strong immune system. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, vitamins A, C, D and E, which strengthen your immune system. The German Nutrition Society recommends five portions a day – two portions of fruit and three portions of vegetables.

A suggestion: Start the day with a muesli made from oatmeal and fruit, grab cocktail tomatoes every now and then, enjoy pasta with vegetable sauce for lunch and end the day with a salad.

Very important: don't forget to drink! Of course, a healthy diet also includes drinking enough water. Preferably water or tea (herbal or fear tea). Lemonade and sweet fruit juice drinks should be the exception.

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In the nutrition podcast with Elisabeth Jessen and Dr. Matthias Riedl tells you everything about healthy eating.

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2. Healthy intestinal flora

In addition to nutrition, intact intestinal flora plays a major role. It contains beneficial bacteria that help fight harmful germs.

The intestinal flora is made up of various harmless bacteria such as lactic acid bacteria, which primarily colonize the large intestine. They ensure that pathogenic germs cannot multiply and spread excessively. To strengthen your intestinal flora and therefore your immune system, you should regularly consume whole grain products, as they are rich in fiber. Sour milk products such as buttermilk, quark, yogurt or kefir also support intestinal health.

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3. Stress goes away

Stress puts an enormous strain on the immune system. During long-term stress, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which inhibits the production of antibodies. Avoiding stress completely is difficult, but you can learn to deal with it better. Breaks, positive thoughts and relaxation techniques such as yoga or endurance sports help you reduce stress.

4. Laughter is good for the soul

Laughter not only strengthens the soul, but also the immune system. It promotes the production of T cells, which play a central role in the defense against pathogens. So, watch a comedy or spend time with friends – laughter is the best medicine!

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In the HÖRZU magazine podcast, sports scientist and bestselling author Prof. Ingo Froböse promises: “We look inside the body - and say what we can do for it.” The expert also presents simple exercises for in between - so that everyone is FIT & HEALTHY remains. New every 14 days on Mondays.

5. Sleep well

While we sleep, our immune system regenerates. Anyone who consistently sleeps less than six hours weakens their immune system. Make sure you get seven to nine hours of sleep per night to optimally support your immune system.

6. Movement!

Regular exercise strengthens the immune system. Endurance sports such as swimming, cycling and jogging are particularly ideal. But even daily walks or climbing stairs are enough to mobilize the immune system. Important: If you have a cold, you should avoid exercising so as not to put additional strain on your body.

Tipp:Take advantage of sunny days to go for a walk or do sports in the fresh air - this way you can also fill up on vitamin D, which supports your immune system.

Recipe tip:By the way, there is also a particularly high amount of vitamin D in some foods such as sardines or salmon.

Exercise keeps you fit and therefore strengthens the body's immune systemCredit:iStock

7. Sauna & Co.

Cold showers are uncomfortable in winter, but they're worth it! Temperature stimuli, such as those found inSauna sessions,Kneipp treatmentsorContrast showersarise can strengthen your immune system. The temperature fluctuations get the immune cells moving and make it easier for them to reach the mucous membranes, where they can effectively fight off viruses.

A hot-cold foot bath is just as effective as alternating showers! This really boosts your circulation. Here's how to do it: Fill one bucket calf-high with cold water and another with about 35 degrees warm water. Sit on a chair and alternately soak your feet in warm water for three minutes and cold water for 15 seconds. Repeat the whole thing three times and always end the foot bath with the cold water.

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8. Be sure to ventilate

Dry heating air can weaken our immune system. Shock ventilation helps to improve the humidity in the room and reduce pathogens. Ventilate several times a day for about ten minutes without letting the room cool down too much.

Proper ventilation is not only useful when it comes to colds. Allergies such as hay fever are also a reaction of the immune system. Therefore canBe helpful in relieving symptoms for those affected.

9. Wash your hands

Washing your hands regularly is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of viruses. We constantly come into contact with potential pathogens - whether when shaking hands or touching surfaces. Therefore: Don't forget to wash your hands!

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Even if it's difficult, try to keep your fingers out of your face. Whether you're talking on the phone or adjusting your glasses, you're giving viruses fewer opportunities to spread.

10. Kissing strengthens the immune system

Kissing not only promotes well-being, but also strengthens the immune system. When we kiss, we exchange around 4,000 germs that train our immune system and strengthen our defenses.


Important NOTE:This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or acute symptoms, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice at the pharmacy. The medical on-call service can be reached via the nationwide number 116117.