Pech birds: Three zodiac signs must now be strong

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In advance in the video: This influence has the declining Mercury on our lives

The new week could become a pitch phase for three zodiac signs. You can read here whether you belong to the Pech Birds from February 17th.

Three zodiac sign will be lucky than lucky in the coming week. Twins, shooters and fish now have to adapt to a difficult phase of love, job and health. If you too are one of the pech birds, you will find out here what will come to you from February 17th.

#1 twins

From a romantic crackle at the beginning of the week, an unsightly crash becomes from Wednesday, because you and your partner will be permanently in your wool. Attempts to solve disputes with clear communication so that there are no further misunderstandings.

It is also turbulent at work too. Your team works dynamically, but somehow you don't move in your projects. Use Mars and Merkur's energy towards the middle of the week to put new goals within reach. Little steps are also progress.

You are finally motivated to bring new fitness routines to your everyday life, but the energies from Mercury and Jupiter literally brake you. Better to take it a little slower this week and treat yourself to some relaxation.

Do you want to calculate your ascendant?. There you will also find the descriptions of all other ascendants.

#2 fish

This week you are very sensitive, but also sensitive. This can result in profound conversations with your counterpart, but you also feel attacked very quickly and are easy to use. Try to tackle everything a little more relaxed.

Your sensitivity is also evident in the job. You take constructive criticism of your team or your superiors personally and think too much. Don't drive yourself so crazy and use the light headwind to work even more for your goals.

Even if the moon wants to keep you from stress with its energy, the worm seems to be in this week. You feel inner unrest and can't get yourself up to anything. This is also okay, just treat yourself to a break.

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#3 Sagittarius

At the beginning of the week, the moon comes into your sign of what your emotions messed up. You like to understand things that your counterpart says and literally look for hair in the soup. Speak openly to your partner and try not to take everything so seriously.

Communication is not your strength this week even in professional terms. With your solid opinion, you shoot here and there, which could ensure tensions in the team. Pay attention to a harmonious handling of your colleagues and also respect other ideas and statements.

The energy of the moon brings you out of balance. You had just set up a good fitness routine, but suddenly you can't find it in. That frustrates you. But don't let it get you down, you don't always have to give 100 percent.

Even more reading material:

Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not always everything that says astrology. So let's take them better than guideline and advisor, not as an irrefutable truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make from star constellations, typical zodiac character traits and predictions.