Colds, flu, etc. The 3 zodiac signs Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are quite susceptible and are constantly sick.
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Colorful leaves, cold wind and wet weather: autumn can be so beautiful, but it also has its pitfalls. Because as soon as it gets uncomfortable outside and the days get cooler, the cold season begins.
While some people have a really good immune system and almost never get sick, others really catch every cold that comes along.
Whether you're the type of person who regularly catches a cold in winter and is found in bed with a cup of tea may have something to do with your zodiac sign. Some zodiac signs seem to attract colds. For some, this may be due to their lifestyle, which is not always particularly health-promoting. We'll tell you three zodiac signs that are really often sick.
Note in advance:We have selected the zodiac signs based on their typical (and well-known) character traits. Of course, all of this should be taken with a big wink - after all, even the stars can be wrong sometimes. There are certainly many of the zodiac signs listed who never have a cold and always take care of their health.
Place #1: Pisces
Hardly any other zodiac sign is as sensitive as Pisces. This sometimes affects his well-being. Pisces always listen particularly deeply to themselves and always deal with their emotional world. This is of course very positive at first.
However, fish may experience symptoms of an illness that others would not notice or would only notice very mild symptoms. Although they initially have more sick days than others, this characteristic benefits the fish in the end. Because putting off a cold almost never happens to him.
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Unfortunately, Pisces are also very dreamy. It can happen that on a cold day you dress too loosely or forget your jacket or an umbrella. It is not uncommon for the fish to only notice its wrong choice of clothing when it comes home completely cold. And then it's often too late and the cold is already on its way.
Place #2: Cancer
Yes, Cancer is also one of the sensitive zodiac signs. This is why Cancers have a much stronger sense of pain than other zodiac signs. For example, they also suffer particularly badly from lovesickness. And this also applies to colds.
Cancers are also very fearful. Even with the slightest symptoms of illness, the zodiac sign seeks out a doctor. They then describe the little aches and pains so dramatically that they are given sick leave.
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The fact that the doctor has written him off sick only makes the cancer even more panicky. Because Cancers are not necessarily one of the most optimistic zodiac signs. They then imagine that their illness is much worse than it actually is. Switching off your head every now and then and thinking positively would definitely be good for cancer every now and then.
Place #3: Scorpio
Scorpio is also one of the zodiac signs that often catch colds. Scorpios are also very sensitive and sensitive. They need protection and are only too happy to retreat into their protective shell.
Scorpios are particularly emotionally unstable. From the outside it often seems as if they are unbreakable and hard, but in reality things look completely different on the inside. Even the smallest things have a big impact on their minds and also have an impact on their health.
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Stress - whether in private life or at work - usually ends with a cold. Because even if you don't want to allow it, your body demands the well-deserved rest. Scorpios should therefore make sure to take regular rest periods so that their bodies can recharge their batteries. Even if it is difficult for them.
Cold? Here's what you can do about it
Are you one of those people who catch a cold easily? Luckily, there are a few things you can do to combat a cold. For example, you should drink lots of water and tea, get enough sleep and take vitamins.
A great book tip for anyone who often struggles with a cold or flu is the book “Healing colds and flu with the power of nature”. In this book, author Bruce Fife explores science-based solutions to respiratory infections without medication.

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Important NOTE:The contents of the article are for informational purposes only and do not replace a diagnosis from a doctor. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints, you should contact your doctor.