Average for assets according to age: the average has 30, 50 or 70 in the account

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According to the study: do you belong to the average with your assets?

The older, the higher the assets? Yes, but only up to a certain age.

How much money did 30, 50 or 70-year-olds save on average? Here are the numbers.

In the past, Germans have always been considered the big savers. In fact, they are still compared to other European industrialized countries. LoudFederal Statistical OfficeIn 2022, the citizens division an average of 11.1 percent of their income.

Even if it was 14.9 percent in the previous year, the Germans are still at a high level with 11.1 percent despite inflation. According to Statista, the savings rate in our neighboring country Austria was only 8.8 percent and only 2.1 percent in Italy. Only the Netherlands and Switzerland have a higher savings rate with 12.7 and 18.4.

But how much money did a 30-year-old save on average and how much a 50-year-old? We have the answer.

Also read:

The younger, the less the assets?

The younger you are, the less money you usually have saved. A study based on theIncome and consumer sample of the Institute for German EconomyFrom 2018, which will be carried out every five years, this common assumption confirms: According to the study, the assets of30-year-olds on average at 5,000 euros. Die30- to 34 year oldsare already average17.800 Euro.

Assets: How much should you save between 35 and 49 years?

From 35 to 39 years it is 45,800 euros and with the40 to 44 year oldsthe assets almost doubled to an amount of87.200 Euro. In the age group of 45 to 49 year olds, it is already 105,000 euros.

Assets: How much should you save between 50 and 64 years?

The assets also continue to increase afterwards, but significantly slower. The assets of the50 to 54 year oldslies by115.100 Euro. People between60 and 64 yearshave120.500 Eurosave.

Assets: how much should you save from 70 years?

The level of assets can then be reached between70 to 74 yearsWith a saving amount of average129.600 Euro. From the age of 75, the assets even drop again and is an average of 112,500 euros.

Reading tip:

By the way: In general, you should always have saved an emergency hewn that you can quickly access if you urgently need money. Only when you have a financial cushion can you consider what you are doing with the saved money that goes beyond the emergency sample.