Salary or wages? Find out what the differences are and what your type of income says about your job.
In a nutshell: Difference between wages and salaries
Salaried employees who receive a fixed salary at a certain point in time each month, apart from overtime and other additional benefits, receive a salary.
Workers who are paid according to performance and who work at different rates and according to need receive a wage.
Do you receive salary or wages? The two terms are often used synonymously. These are two very different types of income. But what exactly is the difference? We have the answer.
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In this case you will receive a salary
First, let's look at the salary.Let's assume that you are a permanent employee and receive a fixed salary from your employer every month: In this case, you will receive aSalary.
The salary is the same every month, regardless of whether the month has 28 or 31 days. Plus, you get it at the same time every month, for example in the middle or end of the month. You never get less than your base salary. However, you may receive more money in a month due to overtime or additional benefits.
In this case you get paid
In contrast to salary, wages can vary much more, and upwardsanddownward. Because how much wages you get depends on various factors. And especially how much you have worked. This may vary due to holidays, vacations and work needs.
If you don't have a fixed monthly working time and perhaps only work as needed, you will receive a salary.The payment of wages can also vary. You can receive wages monthly, weekly or even daily. How your wages are calculated is usually stated in the employment contract. As a rule, workers who work in commercial professions receive a wage.
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This defines, for example, whether you receive a fixed hourly wage, are paid based on the number of pieces or for piecework. This results in three wage variants: piecework, piecework and hourly wages. With piecework wages, a certain quantity of pieces is produced for which you are paid. Piece wages are about how many pieces were produced per hour, for example, and hourly wages are a fixed wage per hour.
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