Recipe for the most delicious chocolate chip cookies in the world (as from Subway)

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In advance in the video: Simply convert American cups

Do you love cookies almost as much as the Cookie Monster? Then you have to try our brilliant chocolate chip cookies. They are soft on the inside, crispy on the outside and sooo chocolate. Here is the recipe.

I admit it: I'm a real sweet tooth! I just love cakes and pastries. But with biscuits I can be pretty fussy. For me, they must never be too dry.

When my best friend surprised me one day with homemade chocolate chip cookies, I was blown away. The cookies were crispy on the outside, but still wonderfully soft and juicy in the middle. I wanted to know the recipe immediately.

Over time, I modified the ingredients a little to my taste so that I can now say: these are probably the most delicious chocolate chip cookies in the world! Be sure to try it yourself.

Recipe for chocolate chip cookies

The trick at chocolate chip cookies that are still nice and soft inside is not to press the dough. By coming around the oven, the dough bows are slowly flowing down when baking and do not dry out. It is best to put the dough in the fridge for a while before baking or the fully rolled balls even briefly into the freezer.

Ingredients for approx. 30 pieces:

  • 250 g butter (room temperature)
  • 250 g brown sugar
  • 2 owner
  • 350 g Mehl
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 PCK. Baking powder
  • 200 g of dark chocolate coats or chocolate pieces

And the preparation is that easy:

1. First stir the soft butter with the sugar with a hand mixer for a few minutes. Add the eggs and mix to a homogeneous mass.

2. Mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Then gradually seven to the butter-egg mixture. As soon as the dough becomes too tight for the hand mixer, switch to a wooden spoon.

3. Chop the dark chicken cup coating with a sharp knife, but not too fine. It should be nice chunks. Or just open a pack with finished chocolate pieces for baking. Lift the chocolate chips with a wooden spoon under the dough. Cover the bowl and for approx.45–60 minutesPlace in the fridge.

4. In the meantime the oven on175 degrees top/bottom heatPreheat. Line the baking sheets with baking paper. Then form the dough into balls or an ice creamier (Like this from Amazon*) Use for it, and put it with enough distance to the sheet. The cookiesnotPush, but as bullets for approx.8-10 minutesPut in the oven.

5. As soon as they are slightly brown on the edge, but still look raw in the middle, they are ready. Under no circumstances leave them in the oven for too long, otherwise they will become dry and not nice "Chewy". If you like your cookies crispy, you should let them cool completely on the sheet or a grille. If you prefer to enjoy them softly, you can transferred the lukewarm cookies into a cookie jar.

Tipp:Sprinkle the slightly warm cookies with a pinch of coarse sea salt!

Even more recipe ideas for baking:

We wish you a lot of fun preparing and good appetite! You are welcome to send us a photo of the result from Pinterest or Instagram - we look forward to it!