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In advance in the video: 4 less known reasons for mental stress
Inner unrest can be triggered by a variety of situations. It is important to identify these situations to avoid an unhealthy permanent burden.
Some people can easily unsettle us and we attach great importance to what they think about us. But what if that determines your life?
Do you often have the feeling that you can be influenced by other people's opinions and have too much power over you? You can see it from these signs.
1. You justify yourself constantly
You always have the feeling that you have to explain yourself. You don't need that. Stand by your decisions and try to solve what others could think of you. If you constantly explain yourself, you gain the impression that you are not behind your decisions.
Reading tip:
2. You let yourself be easily talked about
You have a concrete idea of something or make up for something to do. But then you change your opinion, constantly violate your principles and neglect your own will because you can easily be persuaded by people.
3. You feel responsible for the feelings of others
If someone is angry or sad, you always have the feeling that it has to do with you. Even if you haven't done anything, you think that you have a complicity and have to fix the problem.
Even if you should have done something, you should always remember that you are only responsible for your actions. But not, for the feelings of other people and how they deal with their feelings.
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4. You have the feeling that you are owe something to others something
You feel committed to others and as if you owe something to them. Instead of listening to your own expectations and yourself, you always act as you think that other people expect it from you.