EQ instead of IQ: 5 signs that you have high emotional intelligence

Most of us are familiar with IQ, the so-called intelligence quotient. But the EQ is at least as meaningful.

Most people are familiar with IQ, which is often considered a measure of intelligence. In scientific discussions it is often emphasized that the IQ of famous people was above average.

However, in addition to the IQ, there is also the so-calledEQ, theemotional quotient. It describes empathy, sensitivity and the ability to perceive and understand feelings.

Do you want to know if you have a high EQ? Then pay attention: These 5 signs will give you information about it.

1. High empathy ability

Emotionally intelligent people are very empathetic and receptive to the emotional state of those around them. They can also read other people well and empathize with them.

2. First analyze, then act

People who have high emotional intelligence first analyze a situation before acting. They also think carefully about what they want to say and what consequences their actions might have so that they don't have to regret anything afterwards.

3. Strong critical skills

Nobody likes to be criticized. Instead of reacting negatively to criticism or taking it as an insult, emotionally intelligent people see criticism as a way to improve and learn from their own mistakes.

Reading tips:

4. Openness to other perspectives

Emotionally intelligent people understand that others' perceptions can often differ from their own and that there is no right or wrong perspective. You want to learn and are always willing to look at and understand things from a different perspective.

5. Ability to apologize honestly

Not many people can apologize seriously. Because here you have to admit that you have made a mistake and possibly hurt others. Emotionally intelligent people are not afraid to own up to their mistakes and make up for them with a genuine apology.

How high is your EQ?

Do you recognize yourself in some of the characteristics mentioned? With our psychological test you can find out how good your emotional intelligence is:

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