No IQ test necessary: ​​3 body parts indicate high intelligence

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First of all in the video: Anyone who has one of these problems is usually particularly intelligent

An IQ test without a test? There is. According to various studies, physical characteristics also provide an indication of our intelligence.

Several studies want to find out how you can find out whether you are particularly intelligent without an IQ test. We have compiled all the information about it.

Intelligence: A question of the body?

Only the intelligence test decides whether someonesis smart, isn't it? If we believe various scientists and studies, we can also use IQcan be read on various parts of the body.

In particular, certain ideals of beauty and supposed flaws that are viewed critically by society are removed quite well. Apparently external values ​​count more than previously thought - but it's best to read for yourself!

3 body parts that determine intelligence

The head

The bigger the better - and so a supposed flaw, the stubbornness of newborns, becomes an indicator of intelligence. At least that's what one saysBritish study. She accompanied infants with large head circumferences until graduation, which increasingly resulted in high graduation.

The body size

Long legs and a tall body are considered one of the ideals of beauty. Thatexactly the sizeshould now have something to do with IQScientists from the US elite universities Brown and Princetonfound out. Tall people performed better on cognitive tests. They also have jobs that pay significantly better.


Just once10.6 percentof people worldwide are left-handed. However, if there is oneGreek studyfrom the University of Athens, they are blessed with a much better memory. The reason for this could be that left-handed people can use both hemispheres of the brain more easily and are therefore more mentally flexible.

Of course, the results of the studies do not mean that only people who meet the criteria mentioned have a high IQ. So don't be put off if, for example, you are petite and right-handed. Even small minds can be big brains.

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