Do you finally want to go on a nice vacation again, but are having problems saving money for it? We have the best savings tips.
Would you like to see the whole world, but you never have the money? With our savings tips you will finally be able to fulfill your greatest wishes. For example, being able to travel to the countries you dream about all the time.
Table of contents
Saving for vacation: where should you go?
You will stick to your savings program best if it has a concrete framework. The resolution “I want to save money for travel” is too imprecise and can quickly be thrown overboard. Get smart online: Where do you want to go? How much does a room there cost to stay overnight and what experiences do you definitely want to take with you?
Once you have an overview of the possible travel costs, you can set a specific savings goal and constantly work towards it. By the way, you can do exactly the same with other wishes. The more specific your wish, the easier it is to save!
Also read:
Saving for vacation: Where does all the money go?
Next, commit to writing down every penny you spend for a month. Either you do it the classic way with pen and paper or you download an app onto your smartphone in which you can enter all your expenses and keep track of them.
Don't make any exceptions and keep strict records of your expenses. This is the only way you can see after a month exactly what you are spending your money on. You can easily check what's going on in your account at any time in online banking, but it's easy to overlook where the cash goes from your wallet.
After this month, take an overview of in which areas of your life you have spent how much money. This will help you see where you should cut back to save money.
Saving for vacation: salary here, savings there
If you collect your savings in a separate account, then there is less risk of you spending the money. Some employers also offer their employees to pay their salaries into different accounts.
If you have this option, you should use it to save for your vacation and have a certain portion of your salary paid out into your savings account. You won't miss anything that doesn't end up in your checking account.
Saving for your vacation: bargains instead of going without
Many people think that saving means living a closed life without going out or having any kind of fun. You can keep all your leisure activities as long as you find a cheaper alternative.
Visit your favorite bar during happy hour, wait until you can rent the latest blockbuster from the movie rental store, and choose cheap restaurants instead of a gourmet temple. Every euro you save brings you a little closer to your vacation.
Reading tips:
Saving for vacation: No more impulse purchases
Before each new issue, ask yourself: Do I really need this, or do I just want it? That chic pair of shoes you saw in the window, the pretty decorative pillows that would definitely look great on your sofa...
Remember one thing when saving: impulse purchases are poison for your holiday budget! If you see something that interests you, force yourself to sleep on it for a night. Chances are good that you won't even remember the product the next day - and what's more, you'll have saved valuable money.
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The most beautiful beaches in the world
Are you longing for the beach and the sea? We have put together a few dream copies for you.
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Villingili Island, Malediven
Places of longing for many honeymooners: The beautiful Maldives in the Indian Ocean, which comprise a total of 26 ring-shaped atolls. Image: © Getty Images
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Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
Turquoise water: The Ko Phi Phi archipelago stretches off the west coast of southern Thailand. Image: © Getty Images
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Makunudhoo Atoll, Malediven
Paradise for divers: The Makunudhoo Atoll offers spectacular diving spots. Image: © Getty Images
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Yanuca Island, Viti Levu, Fiji
The Eldorado for canoeists and stand-up paddlers Image: © Getty Images
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Long Island, Bahamas
You can swim with pigs on the beach on Long Island Image: © Getty Images
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Balos Beach, Crete
The dream beach on Greece's largest island Image: © Getty Images
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Treasure Cay, Bahamas
Powdered sugar sand & turquoise water like in the Raffaelo advertising Image: © Getty Images
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Porto Katsiki, Lefkada, Greece
The best way to reach this dream bay is by boat. Image: © Getty Images
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Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Snorkeling fun for the whole family Image: © Getty Images