Wall pilates: With 3 simple exercises for the dream figure

Pilates is one of the most popular fitness trends. But do you already know wall pilates? With just 3 simple exercises you can train your entire body.

Ever heard of wall pilates? It is considered the new secret weapon for effective full -body training and is recommended on social media such as Tikok and Instagram as a trendy and effective workout.

We took a closer look at the concept and show you how to turn the wall into your personal trainer.

No matter where you look at the instructions for Wall pilates, make sure that you do the exercises carefully and controlled. AtGymondo *You can find great explained workouts to participate for every level of performance.

Why is wall pilates so ingenious?

The wall is a stable training device for the Pilates, it supports you to carry out your movements precisely. For example, the wall helps you to stabilize your spine during the exercises and to align your body.

This is particularly useful if you train alone and there is no one who can correct your attitude. Unfortunately, after years of training experience, it still happens to me that my hip kinks away. Alone or without a mirror, it is sometimes not so easy to be precise.

Each wall Pilates exercise in front of this stable, straight surface gives you an immediate feedback. Are you really right now Do you move symmetrically? The wall does not lie - use it as a mirror or to control your exercises.

The basics are the a and o

Before you jump to the wall, you should master the basics. A solid), an elegant- Work on these basic elements on the mat before the wall comes into play. Remember: a house is only as safe as its foundation!

3Wall pilates exercises: simple home workout

Use the wall as a resistance. You will find that with every pressure against this solid surface, your muscles not only become more flexible, but also more flexible due to the stable guidance. It forces you to carry out every movement consciously and precisely.

Here is instructions for your entry into the wall pilates:

Wand-Pilates Übung 1: Wall-Walk-Down

Stand frontally in front of the wall. Extend your arms and set it so far that the fingertips touch the wall. The feet are hip width apart. Breathe out and go down with your hands on the wall, keep your back straight and let yourself be hanged out loosely downwards.

Go easily into your knees if it is easier for you at first. Then roll up the vertebrae again, take your arms up and stretch it up properly. Repeat the approximately 4 times, in the end you may already make it to your toes.

Wand-Pilates Übung 2: Wall-Sit

Stand your back to a stable wall. Make sure your back is completely touched - ideally there should be no air in between.
With a shoulder width you crouch slightly until you "sit" on the wall almost at a 90-degree angle. #

The most important thing is that the hip, kneecap and the middle of the foot form a straight line and your upper body remains upright.
Your goal: keep this position for at least 30 seconds.

Wall pilates Exercise 3:Wall Push-Ups

Put on yourself about a meter from the wall and align yourself so that your body forms a straight line. Make sure that your feet shoulder width apart.
Put your hands flat on the wall, for example at the shoulder height and shoulder width (such as a hand width). The fingers point up and your palms should touch the wall completely.

Slowly bend your elbows and approach your upper body the wall. Keep your back straight and leave the heels on the floor. Your elbows should be on the side of your body.
Press yourself off the wall by stretching your arms. Make sure that you do not fall into the hollow cross and your upper body remains stable throughout the movement.

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Try the wall pilates as your next workout and experience how the wall becomes your personal training partner. Because in the end it is like real life: Sometimes you just need a solid wall that you can lean against - or in this case you can work against.

Note at the end:A active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.