Do you have stubborn limescale on your shower head and just can't get rid of it? We reveal which trick is guaranteed to work.
Over time, limescale builds up on the shower head. The white residue looks unsightly and is also not particularly hygienic.
Along with the limescale, bacteria also build up on the shower head. That's why you should remove the limescale regularly. After all, we want to get clean in the shower - and not get dirty water.
There are various methods you can use to get rid of limescale deposits on your shower head. You can use a simple trick to prevent limescale from sticking to the shower head in the first place. If the lime is already there, you can take it with youremove. We'll reveal how it works.
Descale the shower head with home remedies
Before you resort to harsh cleaning agents, try removing the deposits from your shower head using home remedies. This is usually cheaper and also much gentler on them.
If you have an overhead shower, you must remove it before cleaning. Many eyebrows can be easily twisted off. With others you have to loosen a screw first. This is usually located above the shower. With a hand shower, cleaning is much easier.
1. Descale the shower head with a vinegar freezer bag
Vinegar is perfect for removing limescale from the shower head. Vinegar and vinegar essence also have an antibacterial effect.
Here's how:Fill a freezer bag or waterproof plastic bag with vinegar or vinegar essence (1:5 ratio). Insert the shower head into the bag and close the whole thing using the shower head handle. It's best to use a hair tie or string for this.
Depending on the severity of the calcification, leave everything for 30 minutes to 2 hours affect. Then take the shower head out of the bag, rinse it with water and run hot water through the shower head for a minute.
Tipp: If limescale is still stuck between the nozzles, you can help with a cleaning cloth or a soft toothbrush. This applies to all three methods.
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2. Descale the shower head with baking soda
Baking soda is one of the most popular home remedies. It's cheap, almost everyone has it in the house and it can be used in a variety of ways as a cleaning agent.
Here's how:Place the shower head in a bowl and fill with lukewarm water until the shower head and jets are completely covered. Now add the baking powder to the bowl. There is about one sachet of baking powder for every 100 ml of water. Distribute the baking soda in the water so that it is completely dissolved.
Now let the shower head soak in the baking soda and water mixture overnight. Rinse the shower head with clean water the next morning. Run hot water through the shower for about a minute. Then wipe everything again with a damp cloth.
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3. Descale the shower head with lemon
Lemon is also very popular in the household to remove stubborn dirt. You can use a normal lemon to descale your shower head or, even better, citric acid (here on Amazon)*. However, you should be careful with this because it is a very harsh cleaning agent.
Here's how:Place the shower head in a bowl and run cold water over it until the shower head is completely covered. In another bowl, dissolve 1 teaspoon of citric acid in 50 ml of water and add the mixture to the shower head bowl.
Gently swing the shower head back and forth so that the acid is well distributed. After about half an hour, remove the shower head, rinse it with water and run warm water through the nozzles again.
Descale the shower head with special cleaning products
If all of these home remedies don't help, you'll have to use a special limescale cleaner. Under no circumstances should you use any cleaning products, as some of them can damage the shower head!
In the drugstore or discount store you will come across many cleaning products that help against limescale.Read the application instructions beforehandand note that the limescale cleaner should also be suitable for (bathroom) fittings.
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Descaling the shower head: How can I prevent it?
Depending on which region you live in, you may have to struggle more or less with limescale. If you have the feeling that the water in your home is particularly calcified, a water filter can help. This cleans the water before it comes out of the shower. This means you will find significantly fewer limescale stains on the fittings.
Such a filter has another advantage: both your skin and your hair become significantly softer and more beautiful thanks to less hard water.
There are many products online that filter water and prevent limescale stains. Our favorite is the filter shower from Prisma (here on Amazon)*. This removes impurities in the water, improves the PH value and optimizes the water quality.
Many users report that they no longer have any problems with limescale since using the filter shower. The hand shower is also very cheap, so it's definitely worth trying out!