Create a perennial bed on the slope: these 5 perennials are robust and grow quickly

Would you like to create a slope bed in the new garden season? Read here which perennials you can use for it. Easy for care, robust and beautiful!

Anyone who lives on the slope knows the pain: a slope bed can become a nerve test. Not only that gardening is exhausting on the slope - the inclined earth does not hold the water well either. I had to painfully determine that last year and move my hydrangeas planted on the slope after just a few weeks.

So do not make the same mistake as me and plant water -loving plants in your slope bed. You will not have any joy and only extra work with it.

Instead, pegs on your slope, which are robust, easy to care for and compatible with dryness. They transform every boring slope into a sea of ​​flowers without having to invest a lot of time in the care of the plants.

Here are five ideal perennials for the slope:

1. Blaukissen (Aubrieta): Bodendeck flower sea

If you want to turn your slope into a real sea of ​​flowers in spring, the blue pillow is the perfect choice! The purple, pink or white flowers shine from March and magically attract bees.

The best? Blue cushions grown creeping and spreads quickly - perfect to attach slopes and cover bare areas.

Blue pillows transform the slope into a blue-violet sea of ​​flowers.Credit:Adobe Stock

When and where plants?

Boden:Permeable, low -nutrient
Flowering:March to May

2. Storch beak (geranium): uncomplicated all -rounder

Storch beak is the all -rounder for slope beds. It grows quickly, blooms from spring to autumn and hardly gives weeds a chance. It is also available in many colors - from purple to pink to bright white.

Particularly popular: the blue flowering geranium "Rozanne", which brings color into the garden until October.

Storch beak is easy to care for and grows quickly.Credit:M. Schuppich -

When and where plants?

Location:Sunny to partially shaded
Boden:Permeable, humus -rich
Flowering:Come Oktober bus

3. Fetthenne (sedum): dry -tolerant beauty

Hangs tend to dry out faster - that's exactly why the fat henne is the perfect choice. Your meaty leaves save water, and in late summer you produce impressive pink to red floral toy, which are loved by butterflies and bees. A real highlight for your slope bed!

Since water does not hold well, dry -loving perennials like the fatthenne are a good choice.Credit:Adobe Stock

When and where plants?

Boden:Dry, permeable
Flowering:August to October

4. Carpet phlox (Phlox subulata): lush cascade star

If you want a hanging flower water case, carpet phlox is the perfect solution! This upholstery -forming perennial grows over wall edges and ensures a flower fireworks in pink, white, violet or blue in spring. After flowering, the leaves remain decorative and ensures a beautiful green area in the slope.

Carpet phlox grows particularly densely and is perfect for slopes and walls.Credit:Adobe Stock

When and where plants?

Boden:Sandy, permeable
Flowering:April to May

5. Women's mantle (alchemilla): easy -care eye -catcher

Women's mantle not only convinces with its soft, corrugated leaves that collect dew drops, but also with its delicate, light green flowers. This perennial is a real all -rounder: it also grows at partially shaded locations, suppresses weed and stabilizes the soil.

Women's mantle can also be placed on a slope as a easy -care ground cover.Credit:Adobe Stock

When and where plants?

Location:Half -shaded to sunny
Boden:Humos, permeable
Flowering:June to August

Even more easy -care perennials

With these 5 perennials, your slope bed becomes stable, easy to care for and beautiful. Whether colorful flower cascades, robust ground cover or water -saving plants - the right combination ensures that your slope is not only functional, but also inspires all year round.

If you want even more inspiration for bed planning, there are other easy -care perennials that enrich the garden:

I wish you a great garden season 2025 and have fun in your green oasis!