Tulipes put their heads hanging: florists swear by these anti-sleeping tricks

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In the video: With these tips, tulips stay fresh longer

Do your tulips hang your heads? Supposedly it should help put coins in the flower water. But is that true? We checked it.

If you buy a nice bouquet of tulips, you want the flowers to last long. But sometimes the heads start to hang after a short time. A sad sight.

In the hope of strengthening the limp tulips again, some flower lovers rely on the cent trick. A few coins are thrown into the flower water. But does that really make sure that the tulips stand again?

What do coins bring in the tulip water?

First of all, it should be said that not all coins are suitable to add them to the flower water. It is important that they are copper coins, such as 1, 2 or 5 centers. Copper has antibacterial properties.

The metal is intended to ensure that mushrooms and bacteria are killed in the water or do not spread so quickly. Since water with germs is literally poison for the stability of tulips, it sounds good with the copper money in theory.

Can cent coins to raise flower water sagging tulips again?Credit:Getty Images

Cent trick: There is so much copper in the coins

But unfortunately it does not help to put cent coins in the tulip water. Because although the money is shiny so reddish, the copper content is not enough to effectively combat bacteria in the water.

In Germany, the 1, 2 and 5 cent coins are made of steel. All them were covered with a thin layer of copper - far too little to keep the tulip water clean and free of bacteria.

How do I prevent the tulips from hanging their heads?

There are a few things that you can do as a precaution so that the tulips don't even let their beautiful heads hang. Florist recommend these things:

Place the tulips in a high narrow vase

Often too short and too wide vase is the reason why the tulips are subject to gravity. Since tulips have soft, elastic stems, you need more support than other cut flowers. Therefore, always place tulips in one without a vase that is narrow at the top. The vase can optimally support the tulips.

Here you will find great vases that are perfect for tulips*

Buy tulips with small heads

Long -stemale tulips with large flowers look great, no question. But sooner or later they let their heads hang. Simply because the relationship between tender stem and heavy flower is not particularly good. Shorter tulips with stronger stems and smaller, rather rounded flowers are much more stable and do not let the heads hang so quickly.

Cut the tulip fresh

Before you put the tulips into the vase, you should cut them fresh with a clean, sharp knife. Make sure that the cut is straight and not diagonally. So the tulips can better absorb the water and the stems have more stan.

Not too much water

Tulips need a lot less water than other cut flowers. It is enough if it is a few centimeters high in the vase. Since tulips “drink” you have to fill new, fresh water every day.

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These tips are much more effective than the coin trick spread on the Internet. I hope that your tulips will be in full splendor for a long time!