The weeds exploded in your garden? Perfect! Because with some weeds you can do ingenious things - in the kitchen.
It's really to be crazy: As soon as the sun shows up, my carefully joyed beds are already transformed into a green weed carpet.
So far I have always plucked the small green sprouts out and transported them directly into the bin. Until a friend reveals to me: "You can also eat the weeds." Please what?
Of course I did research directly and lo and behold: she is right. Most weeds that conquer my garden are actually edible.
And not only that: they should also be really healthy. Superfoods for Lau, quasi. Here are annoying weeds that belong on the plate instead of belonging to the bin:
Hardly any weed sprouts as quickly as the chickenmaire with its long tendrils, small leaves and white flowers. You just have to turn around briefly, new plants are skewing from the ground.

What many do not know: the weeds are edible and is even one of the healthiest domestic wild plants. The taste of the birdmath leaves is mildly spicy and is reminiscent of corn. You can eat the leaves raw and, for example, in salads or you can blanch them and eat them like spinach.
With its incredibly high content of vitamins and minerals, the domestic herb even beats the Superfood Chinese cabbage. Already 150 g of chicken coats cover the daily requirement of iron, potassium and vitamin C. For that I would only have to pluck for 5 minutes.
Tipp:Here you can find!
#2 Giersch
Another representative of the weed category "grows faster than you can pluck" is the giersch. He is hated for hobby gardeners, popular with cooks, because the supposed weed is one of the healthy wild herbs.
Its taste is supposed to remind parsley with a spicy-sweet undere. It can be eaten raw in the salad and blanched like spinach and contains many vitamins and minerals. A giersch pesto also tastes very tasty.

Tipp:If you are unsure whether it is greed, what is growing in your garden, you can adhere to an old peasant rule: "Three-three-three, you are at the giers!". The sheet consists of three parts, each of the leaves is in turn divided and the stem of the plant has three edges.
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#3 Lower
Just yesterday I moved to the dandelion in my lawn and fully cut out a huge bucket. The weed is a real survival artist who is explosive in the garden explosively if you don't tame it.
But dandelion is more than just a weed. He is also a healthy food. The leaves and flowers are rich in minerals such as potassium and trace elements, such as zinc and copper. You can eat dandelion leaves as a crispy salad or prepared like spinach. The fresher they are, the more delicious they taste.

Attention in the stems:The milky and white juice does not only make nasty spots on clothing. It can also lead to abdominal pain. So you shouldn't eat the stems.
If dandelion blooms, confusion is almost impossible. Before that, an old peasant rule can also help you here: "Dandelion is the name of the delicious leaf, but only if it has no hair."
Attention: weeds from the garden is not always organic
You tend to classify everything that grows in the home garden as a "organic" and "without hesitation". Unfortunately, that's not the case.
If you use a lot of chemical fertilizers or pesticides frequently, weed should not eat weeds from the garden. The plants can contain harmful substances.
If you want healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit or even wild herbs from your own garden, you should use organic fertilizers and do not use harmful pesticides or insecticides.
I hope that this article will also help you change your view of weeds. Instead of annoying about the plants, they prefer to let us use. True to the motto: Dear plate instead of ton!