Vodka trick: So your clothes stay fresh longer

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Wodka as an insider tip against bad smells?

With this household tip, your laundry smells a lot longer.

You don't want to throw your clothes back into your laundry after one time? Unfortunately, things quickly smell of sweat, especially in summer. But with this trick you will get rid of the smell at lightning speed.

When clothing comes fresh from the washing machine or the dryer, it just smells so wonderfully clean and - depending on the detergent or fabric softener - it is pleasantly flowery.

Wouldn't it be nice if T-shirt, shirt and co. Because stress, a full subway or a particularly hot day later and the beautiful piece of clothing is sweated and mapped. Eating smells when cooking or cigarette smoke are also happy to sit down in the fibers. The part promptly ends up in the laundry basket.

There is a super simple (albeit a little strange) trick to keep laundry fresh longer. Because constant washing is not only bad for the environment and costs electricity and lots of water. It can also ensure that the colors fade and the fibers of the clothes wear out faster.

Word remedy vodka: So laundry becomes fresh again

DemBROpposite Laundian professional Hans-Jürgen Topf revealed his ultimate trick for freshly smelling laundry: vodka.

All it takes is a little vodka in a small spray bottle. This should spray the garment and then a few centimeters above the garment a few sprays with the steam iron (Shop here at Amazon*) hand over. The hot steam pulls out of the vodka from the fibers and takes the miserable smell with him.

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The vodka trick also works on laundry, which is still fresh and should simply smell clean for longer. To do this, mix the vodka equally with water and the garment that is to be worn.

The alcohol kills bacteria, which usually provide uncomfortable smell of sweat during the day. In this way you can wear your clothes much more often before you have to go back into the laundry. Incidentally, the vodka smell evaporates very quickly-so you don't have to fear that you smell like a pub with a household trick.

Does not work: vodka in the washing machine

If the alcohol kills bacteria in vodka, then you would have to be able to put it in the washing machine for extra long -lasting freshness, right? Unfortunately not.

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Experts doubt that vodka in the washing machine can have any effect on the laundry because the alcohol is diluted too much. So that the laundry does not already come out of the machine, it is therefore much more sensible to regularly clean the washing machine.