Recognizing Asperger Syndrome: These are the first signs

The topic of Asperger's syndrome has been raised frequently recently by 16-year-old environmental activist Greta Thunberg. The contact disorder is popularly referred to as mild autism and is associated with restricted interaction behavior. People with Asperger's have intense special interests and hobbies, are distant, and cannot understand humor. However, the lack of social skills should under no circumstances be confused with a lack of intelligence. What are the signs and when is the syndrome actually diagnosed in adults and children?

Usually Asperger's syndromediagnosed in children. However, it is also possible to detect the syndrome in adults who have never been diagnosed before. It is important to understand that this involves a different processing of nerve impulses in the brain. As a result, people with Asperger's perceive their surroundings and certain situations differently than other people. These signs indicate Asperger syndrome:

  • When having conversations, a person with Asperger's literally understands the information. Jokes, irony and words with figurative meanings are not understood.
  • Those affected never manage to change their perspective. They can rarely understand other people's reactions.
  • Stiff or completely absent gestures.
  • People with the syndrome are very sensitive. Some sounds, smells or colors can trigger a crisis.
  • Strong interest in only one area. Those affected only concentrate on one thing.
  • Stereotypical, repetitive movements such as certain hand movements.
  • People with the syndrome can work independently. Teamwork is rarely possible for them.

The diagnosis is made after certain tests. Depending on how severely the patient is affected, social behavior is also restricted. Many people with Asperger's manage to maintain friendships and romantic relationships and start a family. Others are more withdrawn and find social contacts too strenuous.

Stars my Asperger Syndrome

The American actor Dan Aykroyd and his colleague Robin Williams, the British singer Susan Boyle and the writer Isaac Asimov are just some of the stars and well-known personalities who allegedly suffer or have suffered from it.