Does treating fatty liver disease also work as a therapy for type 2 diabetes?

New research suggests that treating fatty liver disease also has potentialTherapeutic approach against type 2 diabetescould be suitable. The study results suggest that reducing production of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) in the liver could normalize blood sugar levels, reduce appetite and lead to weight loss. Furthermore, such a treatment approach would have great potential in people with obesity.

Promising therapeutic approach through the treatment of fatty liver disease in diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels that occur due to insulin resistance. Previous research has shown that type 2 diabetes is strongly linked to obesity and fatty liver disease. The study authors found that insulin sensitivity can be restored within days of reducing excessive production of the GABA receptor in the liver. This could lead to long-term treatment and weight loss. Neurotransmitters circulate between nerves to allow the brain and different parts of the body to communicate. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning it reduces signaling in the nervous system. When the liver produces GABA, it reduces the activity of the nerves that run from the liver to the brain. Thus, fatty liver reduces the firing activity of the brain through the production of GABA. This signaling influences the maintenance of blood sugar levels.

The researchers concluded that targeted GABA production in the liver improved glucose homeostasis. It also reduces food intake and can reduce body mass, but only in overweight people. The extent of obesity in the population makes these promising results an important first step. However, a novel pharmacological target is only the first step towards application. Researchers hope this will ultimately impact human health. Althoughthis studywas robust, it is important to note that it used mouse models of type 2 diabetes and obesity. For this reason, additional human studies are needed to further investigate the relationship between GABA production in the liver, insulin sensitivity and food intake.