Conchita Wurst is unrecognizable! She presents her new, blonde look


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Conchita Wurst – the bearded sensation who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 with the hit song “Rise Like A Phoenix”, has renamed herself WURST for two new singles “Hit Me” and “Trash All The Glam”. With a new, platinum blonde look and a new electronic sound, Tom Neuwirth once again pushes the limits of his alter ego (the other self).

WURST – “Hit Me”

“Hit me with the bullets you make up in your head” is the strong accent in Wurst’s latest song “Hit Me”, which was written and produced by Eva Klampfer and Albin Janoska. WURST is brave, cheeky and gives his fans a deeper insight into his private life. He takes control by acting as creative director for his video premieres and also does his own styling.

At first this dance track seems unusual for WURST. He mostly expressed his feelings through ballads. But the song's lyrics are also thought-provoking and point to his familiar position: Even though there are weapons aimed at him, WURST remains firmly convinced that no threat has the power to harm him.

“Hit Me” is the second single from Tom Neuwirth’s third album “Truth Over Magnitude”. The music video shows a masculine version of the Austrian star and is surprising, even though we got a first look at his platinum blonde look at the Life Ball 2018 last summer.

WURST – “Trash all the Glam”

“Trash All The Glam” is the first single from the album. The dance performance in the music video indicates the artist's newly developed body control.

A stark departure from his previous style but very bold in tone. The new look is captivating without relying on a predictable formula. This is a completely different Conchita Wurst!