Fish unhealthy: Why algae are the healthier source of omega-3 fatty acids

ThatFish healthyhas been drilled into us for years. However, science now refutes this claim and explains it plausibly based on some logical reasons. Below we explain why fish is said to be unhealthy and how you can get the valuable omega-3 fatty acids instead.

Those alreadymentioned omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the formation of cell membranes, but also for the brain and nervous system, are the reason why fish has been touted as the perfect meat alternative for so long. In addition, these fatty acids regulate blood pressure, are important for blood clotting and also have anti-inflammatory properties. Oily fish contains two of these fatty acids - EPA and DHA.

It's no wonder that nutrition experts repeatedly emphasize that regular consumption of fish is so important. Pollock, but also sardines and mackerel are considered particularly healthy fish. So why should fish be unhealthy?

The only reason fish contain these omega-3 fatty acids is because they feed on microalgae that produce these fats. Fish do not produce them themselves in their bodies, but rather, like us humans, have to ingest them through food. When we eat fish, we not only absorb healthy fatty acids and beneficial trace elements, but also potentially toxic substances that the fish also absorb.

Alternative food source of omega-3 fatty acids

So if fish is unhealthy, how are you supposed to get these valuable fats? Quite simply, just use algae directly! There are special dietary supplements based on omega-3 fatty acids from algae.

There are also plant-based omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in everyday foods. These include linseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts and rapeseed oil, so these are also a good alternative to fish.


There is no doubt that omega-3 fatty acids are good and important for our health. However, it is neither necessary nor healthy to obtain these fats from fish. The reason for this is simply that today's water bodies are polluted by industrial and agricultural waste as well as other factors. It is in the nature of fish to deposit heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and pesticides in their tissue. Therefore, frequent consumption of fish is unhealthy and is not recommended.

You can find the video on the topichere.