Can global warming still be stopped? In a new report, 11,000 researchers and scientists from more than 150 countries warn of a climate emergency and predict further natural disasters in the near future. Human suffering can only be avoided if the world leaders sit down and agree on concrete measures to fundamentally redirect the processes. The Paris Agreement, seen as a first step in the true direction, is not effective, according to scientists.
Global warming: Paris Agreement is not enough to reverse climate change
Only the EU member states and 7 other countries have taken concrete measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 40% by 2030. Scientists believe this is not effective and are calling for all countries to stop using their energy supplies as soon as possiblerenewable energychange. They also agree to change the economy, consume more plant-based foods and reduce the consumption of foods of animal origin. In the report, experts focus on the four largest countries that can bring about change worldwide. China and India have agreed to take the necessary measures so that greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced. Russia has still not taken a clear position. The USA terminated the agreement several weeks ago because American President Donald Trump considers it unfair. With regard to the ongoing impeachment inquiry against Trump and the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, it is not clear how the situation will develop further. If Donald Trump is elected for a second time next year, it could be expected that the USA will not reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in the next 5 years.
Natural disasters are almost impossible to avoid
Further natural disasters cannot be avoided if global warming cannot be stopped. Significant sea level rise, heat waves, drought, floods and even an ice age should be the consequences of global warming not being regulated in a timely manner. Many animal and plant species are also threatened with extinction if the climate changes significantly in the next century.