New research emphasizes that it is food quality in calorie intake, not quantity, that influences obesity and weight gain. Additionally, the new study results showed that diet quality is more important than total calories for weight loss. The model used by the scientists assumes that the intake of processed carbohydrates and starchy foods leads to changes in insulin levels and other hormones. As a result, this leads to an increasedFat deposition with weight gain.
Why excessive calorie intake is not the main culprit for obesity
Increased calorie intake due to easy accessibility of processed foods and reduced physical activity are leading to obesity worldwide. In particular, consumption of processed and starchy carbohydrates, which cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, leads to their storage as fat. Accordingly, increased fat accumulation triggers a feedback loop that promotes hunger and uncontrolled eating. According to the study authors, focusing on reducing processed carbohydrates rather than reducing calories may be more effective. This happens when people reduce the biological drive to store excess fat. According to the researchers, a positive energy balance is primarily responsible for weight gain, in which a person consumes more calories than they burn. Unlike the energy balance model, the carbohydrate-insulin model makes a bold claim: overeating is not the primary cause of obesity.
The study results show that consumption of foods with high glycemic loads leads to their accumulation as fat. Instead of urging people to eat less, the research team's model suggests a different path that focuses more on whatwasthey eat. Additionally, reducing consumption of the quickly digested carbohydrates reduces the underlying drive to store body fat. As a result, overweight people can lose weight with less hunger and effort. The authorsthis studyhowever, acknowledge that further research is needed on this. This could test the two models conclusively and potentially generate new models that better fit the evidence.