New climate change scenario: The end of civilization will come in 2050

Since the beginning of the new millennium, humanity has been warned about climate change and its effects. However, governments around the world have not taken this seriously and continue to contribute to the warming of the Earth's atmosphere through greenhouse gases. A frightening new report warns that climate change could pose an existential threat to human civilization in the medium term.

According to the strategy paper “Existential climate-related security risk: A scenario approach” by climate researchers David Spratt and Ian Dunlop, the risks of climate change are actually much worse than expected. The paper says the current climate crisis is “far larger and more complex than humanity had ever imagined before.” The two scientists are part of the Australian-based think tank Breakthrough — National Center for Climate Restoration.


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“The impacts of climate change on food and water systems, declining crop yields and rising food prices due to drought, forest fires and crop failures have already become catalysts for social breakdowns and conflicts in the Middle East, the Maghreb and the Sahel,” the paper says . According to the report, climate change has also played a role in the European migration crisis.

The paper highlights an example from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which predicted that warming would continue at the current rate of 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade, reaching the 1.5°C limit around 2040 .

The report, endorsed by former Australian Defense Force chief Admiral Chris Barrie, foresees an apocalyptic unfolding of extreme weather events due to anthropogenic climate change.

By 2050, the paper says, “35 percent of the global land area and 55 percent of the world’s population will live more than 20 days per yeardeadly heat conditionsexposed to conditions that exceed the threshold of human survivability.”

In the paper's high-end scenario for 2050, "the scale of destruction is beyond our capacity, and the likelihood that human civilization will come to an end is high."

The full paperyou can read here.